2021-05-13 09:32:55 2.96MB
2021-05-12 18:23:33 3.58MB PID Astrom 经典教材 原版PDF
ANSYS Fluent Theory Guide 官方英文理论指南.pdf
2021-05-12 14:02:20 23.99MB Fluent Theory
表示论基础专业GTM书籍 作者:William Fulton;Joe Harris 本书是一部很受欢迎的教材,初版于1991年,至今已被Springer出版社重印5次。全书分为四部分,26章,书中主要论述李群、李代数和经典群的有限维表示,可作为大学高年级学生, 研究生及教师的教学用书。读者对象:数学及物理学专业的高年级本科生、研究生和教师。《Bulletin of the Irish Mathematical Society》评价说:“...displays a novel approach to its subject matter... genuinely informative... skillfully worked and interspersed with novel observations”;德国《数学文摘(ZENTRALBLATT MATH)》评价说:“...this textbook is an outstanding example of didactic mastery, and it serves the purpose of the series ‘Readings in Mathematics’ in a perfect manner.”。作者William Fulton当时是芝加哥大学数学系的教授,现为密西根大学数学系的教授,相交理论大家(代数几何中的重要理论)。Joe Harris是哈佛大学数学系代数几何方向的教授,前任系主任,著名的教育家。他著有多部基础教育的名著。
2021-05-12 13:24:41 10.23MB 表示论 representation.theory 数学 GTM
It is a book introducing modern estimation theory, including Linear models, Maximum likelihood estimation, least squares, bayesian estimation.
2021-05-11 21:07:07 14.85MB estimation signal processing
Research in the statistical analysis of extreme values has flourished over the past decade: new probability models, inference and data analysis techniques have been introduced; and new application areas have been explored. Statistics of Extremes comprehensively covers a wide range of models and application areas, including risk and insurance: a major area of interest and relevance to extreme value theory. Case studies are introduced providing a good balance of theory and application of each model discussed, incorporating many illustrated examples and plots of data. The last part of the book covers some interesting advanced topics, including time series, regression, multivariate and Bayesian modelling of extremes, the use of which has huge potential.
2021-05-11 15:03:54 8.5MB statistics
ANSYS经典 Theory Reference.pdf 高清PDF 文字版 非扫描版
2021-05-11 09:40:24 10.18MB ANSYS经典
Introduction to Graph Theory (2nd Edition) by Douglas B. West
2021-05-11 00:41:33 61.09MB Graph Theory
[James Davidson] Econometric theory
2021-05-10 20:36:21 10.56MB 经济理论 J Davidson
Introduction to Mathematical Theory of Control, Bressan 2007.pdf是关于微分包含的经典著作,里面详细介绍了微分包含的应用背景,并通过介绍微分控制方程引入微分包含
2021-05-10 20:20:58 4.86MB python