Embedded Systems Firmware Demystified 嵌入式开发初学者很好的起步教材 写自己的操作系统
Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos
2021-08-02 10:38:47 19.32MB Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Chaos
Database Systems Design, Implementation & Management, 13th-Carlos Coronel(2018).pdf Carlos Coronel的数据库系统设计实现与管理(13版) | 数据库入门教材 | MySQL | SQLServer
2021-08-01 11:12:36 53.13MB DataBase 教材
类型理论(Type theory),E文。 作者Luca Cardelli Digital Equipment Corporation Systems Research Center
2021-07-31 12:29:00 301KB TypeSystems Luca
Control Systems Engineering 控制系统工程 6th Norman S. Nise 英文版第6版
2021-07-30 23:19:05 12.7MB Control Systems Engineering 控制系统工程
In the most general meaning, a distributed computer system is identified with computer network. There are two problems with this identification. One concerns the word “computer”. Even the origins of such systems encompassed not only computers but also devices far from being computers, like missile launchers and other military objects (a brief historical outline is in Chap. 2). Let alone today’s networks that connect things of professional and everyday usage: one can hardly say that the so-called intelligent refrigerator is a computer. The other problem concerns the word “distributed”. The main feature of such architectures is lack of shared physical memory, where processors intercommunicate by message passing through data links (channels) of arbitrary length and bandwidth. So, in this meaning, a motherboard of transputers (Sect. 5.3 in Chap. 5), processors interacting by data packet exchange inside one machine, all are distributed systems too. But on the other hand, a computer surrounded by simple terminals for data input and output, multi-access computer or workstations with direct access to memory of a mainframe, are systems categorized as not distributed in the aforesaid meaning, though distributed in the common parlance, because separated spatially. Nonetheless, the distinguishing characteristic of distributed computer systems as the research and engineering domain, is inter-computer communication by message passing based on networks. However, the design, technical solutions, and appli- cation of distributed systems and general (“generic”) networks, are not identical. The conceptual difference lies in their destination. A distributed system is being often constructed as a computation environment for specific class of applications, for a company of certain activity profile, for a corporation or education center, whereas a network is a universal tool for data transmission not limited to particular applications. Thus, the constructional difference consists in softw
2021-07-30 16:58:25 19.6MB Distributed
RF经典教材之一 (共有两册,这是第一册的Part2,本书共分为5个部分Part1~Part5,)中译本: 现代无线系统射频电路实用设计(电子工业出版社)
2021-07-30 14:43:53 4.77MB Part2
2021-07-30 09:44:12 211KB 专题
Chen Tongwen,Francis Bruce. December 1994
2021-07-30 09:33:30 2.09MB Sampled-Data Control Systems
电子技术权威著作, 用系统方法研究电子系统的设计,分析
2021-07-30 08:31:13 10.91MB Electronics Systems Approach