This add-in to the PSO Research toolbox (Evers 2009) aims to allow an artificial neural network (ANN or simply NN) to be trained using the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique (Kennedy, Eberhart et al. 2001). This add-in acts like a bridge or interface between MATLAB’s NN toolbox and the PSO Research Toolbox. In this way, MATLAB’s NN functions can call the NN add-in, which in turn calls the PSO Research toolbox for NN training. This approach to training a NN by PSO treats each PSO particle as one possible solution of weight and bias combinations for the NN (Settles and Rylander ; Rui Mendes 2002; Venayagamoorthy 2003). The PSO particles therefore move about in the search space aiming to minimise the output of the NN performance function. The author acknowledges that there already exists code for PSO training of a NN (Birge 2005), however that code was found to work only with MATLAB version 2005 and older. This NN-addin works with newer versions of MATLAB till versions 2010a. HELPFUL LINKS: 1. This NN add-in only works when used with the PSORT found at, 2. The author acknowledges the modification of code used in an old PSO toolbox for NN training found at 3. User support and contact information for the author of this NN add-in can be found at ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author acknowledges the support of advisors and fellow researchers who supported in various ways to better her understanding of PSO and NN which lead to the creation of this add-in for PSO training of NNs. The acknowledged are as follows: * Dr. Alexander Nikov - Senior lecturer and Head of Usaility Lab, UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad, W.I. * Dr. Sabine Graf - Assistant Professor, Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada. * Dr. Kinshuk - Professor, Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada. * Members of the iCore group at Athabasca University, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
2022-01-11 12:47:47 352KB pso算法 神经网络
2022-01-10 10:21:48 315KB 首发论文
2022-01-07 20:35:52 16KB 未分类
2022-01-07 18:27:41 985KB matlab代码
matlab代码粒子群算法软计算优化工具箱(SCOT) 它能做什么: 1.一个工具箱,在一个保护伞下结合了六个优化算法。 2.每种算法都有单独的GUI。 3.结果的图形表示。 如何运行: 脚步: 打开MATLAB 打开包含所有必需文件的代码文件夹。 打开mastergui.m文件 点击运行 单击任何按钮以启动特定的算法GUI。 以下是运行不同算法的步骤:1.PSO(粒子群优化): 从功能下拉列表中选择其他功能。 选择优化类型(最小化/最大化)。 单击“绘制!”(将绘制2D和3D图形) 绘制后:您可以更改不同的参数(遗传极限,种群大小,精度)速度因子也可以更改单击运行(模拟将开始) 对于所有其他算法(GWO / SCA / MVO / WAO / ALO): 您可以更改以下参数(如果需要):粒子数迭代数下界和上界变量数目标函数(在coste函数文件中写入) 通过选择搜索历史记录:过去的结果将被存储并同时显示。 单击“开始优化”(图形仿真开始),将显示结果
2022-01-06 16:55:22 2.7MB 系统开源
2022-01-05 20:01:11 281KB PSO粒子群优化