基于Arc Engine的污染源普查GIS系统开发
2021-05-10 12:10:22 3.59MB Arc Engine、C#
2021-05-10 11:16:00 12.36MB Unreal Engine 4 、c++、UE4
Learning C++ by Building Games with Unreal Engine 4: A beginner’s guide to learning 3D game development with C++ and UE4, 2nd Edition by Sharan Volin--July 1, 2019 English | 2018 | ISBN: 1788476249 | 468 Pages | EPUB | 1117 MB Create your own games using Unreal Engine 4 while learning the fundamentals of C++ programming Learning to program in C++ requires some serious motivation. Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) is a powerful C++ engine with a range of features used to create exciting games by AAA studios, which makes it an engaging way to get started with exploring C++17. This book starts by helping you install a code editor so you can begin to write C++17 code. You will then focus on C++ fundamentals such as variables, memory, conditional statements, and looping. Next, you will cover important programming constructs including functions, objects, classes, and inheritance. As you progress, you’ll delve into more advanced C++17 concepts, along with understanding the functionality of the UE4 engine. In the next few chapters, you will use the UE4 editor to create your own virtual world, and even program some seriously fun gameplay. After this, you’ll learn to build game features, along with using AI aspects such as pathfinding and behavior trees to build smart game entities. The concluding chapters will show you how to improve user interface (UI) feedback with Unreal Motion Graphics (UMG) and audio. In this new and updated edition, you’ll also get to grips with the latest VR and AR features available. By the end of this book, you will have the skills you need to program effectively in C++17. What you will learn Learn the basics of C++ and understand basic UE4 editing Work with the UE4 editor and study the basics of using C++ and Blueprints within the engine Get up to speed with using basic C++ containers and data structures to store your game data Create players, non-player characters (NPCs), and monsters Give game information to users using the UE4 UMG UI system Gain a basic u
2021-05-07 18:01:22 64.23MB UE4 Unreal C++ Game
Unreal Engine 4.x Scripting with C++ Cookbook 2nd version _John_P._Doran pdf
2021-05-07 02:32:03 38.67MB ue4 unreal unreal 教程
Arcgis Engine 10.2 运行时中文补丁 安装方法 1,安装ArcGIS Engine Runtime 10 英文版; 2.安装本补丁; 3.安装官方 ArcGISEngine10SP5-SimplifiedChine
2021-05-05 11:32:47 3.68MB ArcGIS Engine Runtime 中文补丁
arcgis engine 将一个要素类根据条件查询生成一个新要素类,查询条件为空时就是复制要素类
2021-05-05 08:06:41 2KB arcgisengine AE 查询 复制要素类
2021-05-04 20:48:59 22KB ArcGIS Engine 属性数据表 查询显示
ArcGIS engine 显示属性表 C#实现
2021-05-04 20:07:18 22KB arcgis engine 属性表 显示
图像搜索引擎 使用Python,Flask和OpenCV实现的基于内容的图像检索系统。 给定一个查询图像,此应用将按相似颜色内容的顺序从数据库返回其他图像。 使用颜色直方图定义图像的颜色内容,使用卡方距离确定两个图像直方图的相似程度。 使用指南 使用其他图像数据集(可选) 在app/static/images填充图像数据库 然后在终端: >> python3 -m venv venv >> source venv/bin/activate >> pip install -r requirements.txt >> cd app >> python index.py --dataset s
2021-05-04 19:42:13 3.26MB javascript css python html
Unreal Engine Blueprint API Index UE4 TXT 4.25.3 虚幻引擎4 文档手册
2021-05-02 22:15:31 108KB Unreal Engine Blueprint API