Chapter I: Adaptation and Congestion in a Multi-Agent System to Analyse Empirical Traffic Problems Chapter II: A Multi-Agent Modeling Approach to Simulate Dynamic Activity-Travel Patterns Chapter III: MATSim-T: Architecture and Simulation Times Chapter IV: TRASS: A Multi-Purpose Agent-Based Simulation Framework for Complex Traffic Simulation Applications Chapter V: Applying Situated Agents to Microscopic Traffic Modelling Chapter VI: Fundamentals of Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Chapter VII:“Social Potential” Models for Modeling Traffic and Transportation Chapter VIII: Towards Simulating Cognitive Agents in Public Transport Systems Chapter IX:An Unmanaged Intersection Protocol and ImprovedIntersection Safety for Autonomous Vehicles Chapter X:Valuation-Aware Traffic Control: The Notion and the Issues Chapter XI:Learning Agents for Collaborative Driving Chapter XII:Traffic Congestion Management as a Learning Agent Coordination Problem Chapter XIII:Exploring the Potential of Multiagent Learning for Autonomous Intersection Control Chapter XIV:New Approach to Smooth Traffic Flow with Route Information Sharing Multiagent Learning on Traffic:Lights Control: Effects of Using Shared Information Chapter XVI:The Merit of Agents in Freight Transport Chapter XVII Analyzing Transactions Costs in Transport Corridors Using Multi Agent-Based Simulation Chapter XVIII:A Multi-Agent Simulation of Collaborative Air Traffic Flow Management
2021-08-05 14:32:38 12.65MB multi-agent traffic transportation
IEC 61400-1-Wind energy generation systems-2019_Edition 4.0
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城流 CityFlow 是一种用于大规模城市交通场景的多智能体强化学习环境。 检查这些功能! 一种微观交通模拟器,可模拟每辆车的行为,提供最高级别的交通演变细节。 支持灵活定义路网和交通流 为强化学习提供友好的python接口 快速地! 精心设计的数据结构和多线程仿真算法。 能够模拟城市范围内的交通。 请参阅与 SUMO 的性能比较。 具有不同线程数(1、2、4、8)和 SUMO 的 CityFlow 之间的性能比较。 从小型 1x1 网格路网到城市级 30x30 路网。 当您需要通过 python API 与模拟器交互时,速度会更快。 截屏 使用 CityFlow 的特色研究和项目 链接 WWW 2019 演示文稿 主页 文档和快速入门 码头工人 [1] 相扑首页 [2] 天让智能首页
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信号与系统使用变换方法和MATLAB分析原书 第2版 [(美)罗伯茨 著] 2013年版
2021-08-03 20:37:32 173.23MB 中文版 MATLAB
The rapid increase in the use of software in airborne systems and equipment used on aircraft and engines in the early 1980s resulted in a need for industry-accepted guidance for satisfying airworthiness requirements. DO-178, "Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification", was written to satisfy this need. This document, now revised in the light of experience, provides the aviation community with guidance for determining, in a consistent manner and with an acceptable level of confidence, that the software aspects of airborne systems and equipment comply with airworthiness requirements. As software use increases, technology evolves, and experience is gained in the application of this document, this document will be reviewed and revised. Appendix A provides the background of this document.
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C嵌入式编程设计模式 Design Patterns for Embedded Systems in C 英文版 First edition 2011 介绍如何使用设计模式为嵌入式系统创建高效且优化的C语言设计,这些设计方法已经实践证明非常有效。 针对嵌入式系统中发生的问题,本书的设计模式给出了模式化的解决方案。 通过学习本书,你将获得嵌入式领域专家来之不易的经验。 嵌入式设计模式,识货的不多说。。。。。
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Luca Cardelli的《Type Systems》计算机语言中,遇到了一个误区子类与子类型的区别,有时候比较混乱,在面对泛型的时候,到底是接口还是类的继承?可以通过这篇论文进行研究。
2021-08-03 09:01:10 157B 论文
海洋系统模拟器 (MSS) 是一个用于海洋系统的 Matlab 和 Simulink 库。 它包括船舶、水下航行器和浮动结构的水动力模型。 该库还包含用于实时仿真的引导、导航和控制 (GNC) 块。 算法和方法描述于: TI福森(2021)。 船舶流体动力学和运动控制手册。 第二。 版,威利。 ISBN-13:978-1119575054
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