CFA 2020 - Level 1 SchweserNotes Book 5.pdf
2021-02-03 23:33:21 3.25MB cfa
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bash手册 本文档是为那些想学习Bash而又不深入的人写的。 提示:尝试基于本手册的交互式讲习班! 节点打包稿件 您可以使用npm安装该手册。 赶紧跑: $ npm install -g bash-handbook 您现在应该可以在命令行上运行bash-handbook 。 这将在您选择的$PAGER打开手册。 否则,您可以在这里继续阅读。 来源可在这里找到: : 翻译 当前,有bash-handbook的这些翻译: 目录 介绍 如果您是开发人员,那么您就会知道时间的价值。 优化工作流程是工作中最重要的方面之一。 在通往效率和生产力的道路上,我们经常面临必须一遍又一遍地重复执行的操作,例如: 截取屏幕截图并将其上传到服务器 处理可能具有多种形状和形式的文本 在不同格式之间转换文件 解析程序的输出 输入我们的救星Bash 。 Bash是为GNU Project编写的Unix shell,它是的免费软件替代品。 它于1989年发布,并已作为Linux和macOS默认Shell发行了很长时间。 那么,为什么我们需要学习30多年前写的东西呢? 答案很简单:这东西是为所有基
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通过中本聪留下的所有资料来介绍比特币诞生的来龙去脉以及对中本聪真实身份的揣测。 Have you, like the rest of the world, speculated as to the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, anonymous creator of Bitcoin? The world’s first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin went online in 2009 and has since revolutionized our concepts of currency and money. Not supported by any government or central bank, completely electronic, Bitcoin is a virtual currency based on advanced cryptographic systems. Like the currency he created, the identity of Bitcoin’s creator Satoshi Nakamoto is virtual, existing only online. The Nakamoto persona, which may represent an individual or a group, exists only in the online publications that introduced and explained Bitcoin during its earliest days. Here, collected and professionally published for the first time are the essential writings that detail Bitcoin’s creation. Included are •Satoshi Nakamoto Emails and Posts on Computer Forums Presented in Chronological Order •Bitcoin Fundamentals Presented in Layman’s Terms •Bitcoin’s Potential and Profound Economic Implications •The Seminal Paper Which Started It All The Book of Satoshi provides a convenient way to parse through what Bitcoin’s creator wrote over the span of the two years that constituted his “public life" before he disappeared from the Internet . . . at least under the name Satoshi Nakamoto. Beginning on November 1st 2009 with the publication of the seminal paper describing Bitcoin, this public life ends at about the time PC World speculated as to a possible link between Bitcoin and WikiLeaks, the infamous website that publishes leaked classified materials. Was there a connection? You be the judge. Nakamoto’s true identity may never be known. Therefore the writings reproduced here are probably all the world will ever hear from him concerning Bitcoin’s creation, workings, and theoretical basis. Want to learn more about Bitcoin? Go directly to the source—the writings of the creator himself, Satoshi Nakamoto!
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