2019-12-21 20:16:59 28.79MB ROS 机器人 操作系统
本书是Eric Evans对他自己写的《领域驱动设计-软件核心复杂性应对之道》的一本字典式的参考书,可用于快速查找《领域驱动设计》中的诸多概念及其简明解释。书是英文版的,2015年3月修订版,我已经加了目录,方便大家参阅。 Acknowledgements Definitions Pattern Language Overview I. Putting the Model to Work Bounded Context Ubiquitous Language Continuous Integration Model-Driven Design Hands-on Modelers Refactoring Toward Deeper Insight II. Building Blocks of a Model-Driven Design Layered Architecture Entities Value Objects Domain Events * Services Modules Aggregates Repositories Factories III. Supple Design Intention-Revealing Interfaces Side-Effect-Free Functions Assertions Standalone Classes Closure of Operations Declarative Design iii Drawing on Established Formalisms Conceptual Contours IV. Context Mapping for Strategic Design Context Map Partnership * Shared Kernel Customer/Supplier Development Conformist Anticorruption Layer Open-host Service Published Language Separate Ways Big Ball of Mud * V. Distillation for Strategic Design Core Domain Generic Subdomains Domain Vision Statement Highlighted Core Cohesive Mechanisms Segregated Core Abstract Core VI. Large-scale Structure for Strategic Design Evolving Order System Metaphor Responsibility Layers Knowledge Level Pluggable Component Framework
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2019-12-21 20:09:52 23.24MB C++ 中文
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ARM Cortex M3 Technical Reference Manual
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Simscape官方资料(英文),Simscape reference,内容全面,pdf文档。
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