TortoiseGit-LanguagePack- 中文
2021-04-14 11:05:52 4.15MB TortoiseGit LanguagePack
Matrox Imaging Libray9.0 32位下载地址,百度网盘下载,真实可以下载 (下载链接时效,重新上传了永久有效地址//
2021-04-13 20:38:28 45B Matrox Imaging 机器视觉 MIL 图像处理
2021-04-13 14:38:09 97KB Evtsy 64
2021-04-13 14:01:41 32.23MB 空间分析软件
2021-04-12 22:09:04 181.09MB optisystem
2021-04-12 17:01:35 19.57MB TortoiseGit
亲测,可以激活 ENVI 5.0 sp3 - 64 Bit License
2021-04-11 13:12:09 4.97MB ENVI 5.0 sp3 64
2021-04-11 10:03:48 47.00MB git github
Infineon MCU 32-bit TriCore AURIX 全系列原理图库+PCB封装库(AD集成库).IntLib后缀文件,拆分后文件为PcbLib+SchLib格式,Altium Designer原理图库+PCB封装库,集成库型号列表如下:ibrary Component Count : 81 Name Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAK-TC222L-12F133F AB32-bit multi-core TriCore AURIX microcontroller with 64 KB SRAM, 0.75 MB Flash, 133 MHz Frequency, -40 to 125 degC, PG-TQFP-80 SAK-TC222L-16F133F AB32-bit multi-core TriCore AURIX microcontroller with 96 KB SRAM, 1 MB Flash, 133 MHz Frequency, -40 to 125 degC, PG-TQFP-80 SAK-TC222S-12F133F AB32-bit multi-core TriCore AURIX microcontroller with 64 KB SRAM, 0.75 MB Flash, 133 MHz Frequency, -40 to 125 degC, PG-TQFP-80 SAK-TC222S-16F133F AB32-bit multi-core TriCore AURIX microcontroller with 96 KB SRAM, 1 MB Flash, 133 MHz Frequency, -40 to 125 degC, PG-TQFP-80 SAK-TC223L-12F133F AB32-bit multi-core TriCore AURIX microcontroller with 64 KB SRAM, 0.75 MB Flash, 133 MHz Frequency, -40 to 125 degC, PG-TQFP-100 SAK-TC223L-16F133F AB32-bit multi-core TriCore AURIX microcontroller with 96 KB SRAM, 1 MB Flash, 133 MHz Frequency, -40 to 125 degC, PG-TQFP-100 SAK-TC223S-12F133F AB32-bit multi-core TriCore AURIX microcontroller with 64 KB SRAM, 0.75 MB Flash, 133 MHz Frequency, -40 to 125 degC, PG-TQFP-100 SAK-TC223S-16F133F AB32-bit multi-core TriCore AURIX microcontroller with 96 KB SRAM, 1 MB Flash, 133 MHz Frequency, -40 to 125 degC, PG-TQFP-100 SAK-TC224L-16F133F AB32-bit multi-core TriCore AURIX microcontroller with 96 KB SRAM, 1 MB Flash, 133 MHz Frequency, -40 to 125 degC, PG-TQFP-144 SAK-TC224S-16F133F AB32-bit multi-core TriCore AURIX microcontroller with 96 KB SRAM, 1 MB Flash, 133 MHz Frequency, -40 to 125 degC, PG-TQFP-144 SAK-TC233L-16F200F AB32-bit multi-core TriCore AURIX microcontroller with 96 KB SRAM, 1 MB Flash, 200 MHz Frequency, -40 to 125 degC, PG-TQFP-100 SAK-TC233L-32F200F AB32-bit multi-core TriCore AURIX microcontroller with 192 KB SRAM, 2 MB Flash
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2021-04-09 21:04:32 66.76MB oracle plsql 开发工具