述职报告 (14)微信订阅免费范文.pptx
2022-05-15 13:00:50 7.6MB 微信 述职报告
2022-05-14 17:27:27 18.02MB
ActivePerl- Perl语言执行器,运行于Windows下,win7、win8、win10亲测好用
2022-05-13 14:47:04 22.85MB perl activePerl
linux 3.14内核以及对应的RT实时系统补丁包,可以在ubuntu14.04版本上编译并运行。
2022-05-13 01:01:38 112.91MB linux 内核 RT 实时系统
2022-05-12 17:03:15 14.98MB 文档资料 软考 信息安全工程师
zookeeper-3.4.14-1.x86_64.rpm centos7 Default locations binaries: /opt/zookeeper data: /var/lib/zookeeper logs: /var/log/zookeeper configs: /etc/zookeeper, /etc/sysconfig/zookeeper
2022-05-12 11:52:02 2.99MB zookeeper centos7 rpm
Version: 2.14.0 (2019-07-24) Keil.STM32F4xx_DFP.2.14.0.pack Download Warning: --C99 is no longer enforced via the device description. Enable 'C99 Mode' in 'Options for Target' dialog's 'C/C++' tab. Updated Pack to include subset of STM32Cube_FW_F4 Firmware Package version V1.24.1 using HAL Drivers V1.7.6. Corrected RTE_Device.h UART5 pin configuration. MX_Device_h.ftl: Updated parsing of USART virtual mode. Updated generation of macros: Added handling for '(' and ')' symbols. Corrected launching STM32CubeMX via "play" button for existing projects overwrites with a new STM32CubeMX project file instead of loading existing project. Updated SVD files: Added SPI4RST missing field to STM32F401xE.svd, STM32F411xx.svd and STM32F412xG.svd. Updated Flash Algorithm: Added new target for STM32F4xx_1536.FLM including fix for GetSecNum() in this target. Updated Boards Examples: MCBSTM32F400: Added USB Device RNDIS example. GUI_VNC example GUIThread priority corrected from osPriorityIdle to osPriorityNormal. Updated File System Demo: corrected invalid free space value shown in case of unmounted drives. Graphics examples use Segger emWin version 5.50.0. All examples: Enable Event Recorder in debug targets. Updated LCDConf.c (ready for GUI_USE_ARGD = 1). Terminating app_main thread with osThreadExit() to avoid endless loop. CMSIS-Driver: All: corrected compiler warnings if GNU extensions is enabled in C/C++ settings for ARM Compiler 5. CAN: Corrected SetBitrate function to leave Silent and Loopback mode as they were. Corrected SetMode function to clear Silent and Loopback mode when NORMAL mode is activated. Corrected MessageSend function to only access required data for sending. EMAC: ETH DMA initialization is done when MAC transmitter or receiver is enabled .
2022-05-12 09:18:38 240.37MB KEIL MDK STM32F4 PACK
phoenix异步创建索引时会全部转为大写,重新编译源码.区分大小写. 耗费了我2天时间,找源码下载编译.
2022-05-12 09:09:22 179.54MB 源码软件
最新Pantone潘通TPG色卡,共2625色,附件安装方法。 适用设计软件: Adobe photoshop,简称“PS"、 Adobe illustrator,简称“AI" Coreldraw,简称"CDR", sketchup 适用系统: windows MAC OS PANTONE 11-0103TPG Egret PANTONE 11-0104TPG Vanilla Ice PANTONE 13-4302TPG Skywriting PANTONE 13-4303TPG Dawn Blue PANTONE 14-6312TPG Cameo Green PANTONE 14-6316TPG Sprucestone PANTONE 16-1139TPG Amber Gold PANTONE 18-6114TPG Myrtle PANTONE 19-2014TPG Prune
包含取模软件 涉及单片机历程有如下: CH32V103R8T6 CH32V307VCT6 MM32F3277 MM32SPIN27_IPS_1_14 STC16F STC89C52 STM32F103 STM32F407 TC212 TC264 TC364 TC377 TC387 RT1021 RT1064 LPC
2022-05-10 21:44:57 279.08MB 单片机 stm32 嵌入式硬件 arm