这是layui数据表格返回的json格式的封装代码,其中有参数说明。使用于javaweb开发 ,返回的json为layui官方的json格式。
2020-01-03 14:08:12 1KB java 张小三 layui table
有用的数学资源,Table of Integrals,Series and Products Eighth Edition
2020-01-03 11:40:53 7.37MB pdf
Despite the increasing use of computers, the basic need for mathematical tables continues. Tables serve a vital role in preliminary surveys of problems before programming for machine operation, and they are indispensable to thousands of engineers and scientists without access to machines. Because of automatic computers, however, and because of recent scientific advances, a greater variety of functions and a higher accuracy of tabulation than have been available until now are required. In 1954, a conference on mathematical tables, sponsored by M.I.T. and the National Science Foundation, met to discuss a modernization and extension of Jahnke and Emde's classical tables of functions. This volume, published 10 years later by the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the result. Designed to include a maximum of information and to meet the needs of scientists in all fields, it is a monumental piece of work, a comprehensive and self-contained summary of the mathematical functions that arise in physical and engineering problems. The book contains 29 sets of tables, some to as high as 20 places: mathematical constants; physical constants and conversion factors (6 tables); exponential integral and related functions (7); error function and Fresnel integrals (12); Bessel functions of integer (12) and fractional (13) order; integrals of Bessel functions (2); Struve and related functions (2); confluent hypergeometric functions (2); Coulomb wave functions (2); hypergeometric functions; Jacobian elliptic and theta functions (2); elliptic integrals {9); Weierstrass elliptic and related functions; parabolic cylinder functions {3); Mathieu functions (2); spheroidal wave functions (5); orthogonal polynomials (13); combinatorial analysis (9); numerical interpolation, differentiation and integration (11); probability functions (ll); scales of notation (6); miscellaneous functions (9); Laplace transforms (2); and others. Each of these sections is prefaced by a list of related formulas and graph
2020-01-03 11:40:40 16.65MB 数学手册 数学工具书 数学
2020-01-03 11:39:44 79KB js Excel下载
Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 关于特殊函数与微积分计算
2020-01-03 11:31:44 7.31MB Integrals Series Products
2020-01-03 11:30:14 45KB AJAX
使用 AbstractTableModel 构建Table 在表格中添加JButton按钮,之前在网上找了2天没有找到好用的程序,最终终于找到一个好用的例子。 不要使,我退你们分。。 sing the Swing JTable class can quickly become a sticky business when you want to customize it to your specific needs. First you must become familiar with how the JTable class is organized. Individual cells are rendered by TableCellRenderer implementations. The table contents are represented by an implementation of the TableModel interface. By default, JTable uses DefaultTableCellRenderer to draw its cells. DefaultTableCellRenderer recognizes a few primitive types, rendering them as strings, and can even display Boolean types as checkboxes. But it defaults to displaying the value returned by toString() for types it does not specifically handle. You have to provide your own TableCellRenderer implementation if you want to display buttons in a JTable. The TableCellRenderer interface contains only one method, getTableCellRendererComponent(...), which returns a java.awt.Component that knows how to draw the contents of a specific cell. Usually, getTableCellRendererComponent() will return the same component for every cell of a column, to avoid the unnecessary use of extra memory. But when the contents of a cell is itself a component, it is all right to return that component as the renderer. Therefore, the first step towards having JButtons display correctly in a JTable is to create a TableCellRenderer implementation that returns the JButton contained in the cell being rendered. In the accompanying code listing, JTableButtonRenderer demonstrates how to do this. Even after creating a custom TableCellRenderer, you're still not done. The TableModel associated with a given JTable does not only keep track of the contents of each cell, but it also keeps track of the class of data stored in each column. DefaultTableModel is designed to work with DefaultTableCellRenderer and will return java.lang.String.class for columns containing data types that it does not specifically handle. The exact
2020-01-03 11:23:10 4KB Table JButton 按钮
Abstract— Motor drive technologies are being incorporated into the EV and HEV automobiles with ever increasing speed. With the output torque to be the main control target, various control algorithms are developed that aim to achieve high torque accuracy while maximizing the machine energy efficiency. Most of such control algorithms entail procedures to characterize the machine under control. This paper documents a detailed, industrially practical procedure of characterizing the torque lookup table for interior permanent magnet (IPM) synchronous machines. The characterized lookup table can be utilized in open-loop torque control algorithms, and is verified to achieve high torque control accuracy and suitable for torque control of IPM in automotive applications.
2020-01-03 11:17:37 2.01MB Torqu
自己查找了所有网络资源上的html页面tabel导出为excel,发现都不好用,这个是我自己写的,项目中实际用到的,包括前段js,和后端ExcelController, 可以通用
2019-12-21 22:23:01 24KB table 导出 excel
此代码是实现单击操作表格,用js和css 简单的实现类似于编辑器中的table
2019-12-21 22:19:42 2KB js html 可编辑表格