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2019-12-21 19:43:03 1.39MB C#图解教程
2019-12-21 19:42:55 31.87MB PHP 面向对象 第3版 美国
Key Features Your quick guide to implementing TensorFlow in your day-to-day machine learning activities Learn advanced techniques that bring more accuracy and speed to machine learning Upgrade your knowledge to the second generation of machine learning with this guide on TensorFlow Book Description TensorFlow is an open source software library for Machine Intelligence. The independent recipes in this book will teach you how to use TensorFlow for complex data computations and will let you dig deeper and gain more insights into your data than ever before. You'll work through recipes on training models, model evaluation, sentiment analysis, regression analysis, clustering analysis, artificial neural networks, and deep learning – each using Google's machine learning library TensorFlow. This guide starts with the fundamentals of the TensorFlow library which includes variables, matrices, and various data sources. Moving ahead, you will get hands-on experience with Linear Regression techniques with TensorFlow. The next chapters cover important high-level concepts such as neural networks, CNN, RNN, and NLP. Once you are familiar and comfortable with the TensorFlow ecosystem, the last chapter will show you how to take it to production. What you will learn Become familiar with the basics of the TensorFlow machine learning library Get to know Linear Regression techniques with TensorFlow Learn SVMs with hands-on recipes Implement neural networks and improve predictions Apply NLP and sentiment analysis to your data Master CNN and RNN through practical recipes Take TensorFlow into production About the Author Nick McClure is currently a senior data scientist at PayScale, Inc. in Seattle, WA. Prior to this, he has worked at Zillow and Caesar's Entertainment. He got his degrees in Applied Mathematics from The University of Montana and the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University. He has a passion for learning and advocating for analytics, machine learning, and artif
2019-12-21 19:40:18 4.97MB TensorFlow 机器学习
2019-12-21 19:40:08 13.12MB Professional WPF Programming 高级
2019-12-21 19:39:58 10.09MB 设计模式 模式 PDF
剑指Offer名企面试官精讲典型编程题 高清pdf  面试相关文档
2019-12-21 19:36:46 21.52MB 剑指offer
《CSS 实战手册(第四版)》使用 CSS 能创建专业的网站,不过即使是有经验的 Web 设计师,也很难学会 CSS 的各种细节。在前几版的基础上做了全面升级,提供了zui新、zui有用的提示和技巧,而且通过教程说明现今可用的 CSS。会教你如何使用新工具(如弹性盒和 Sass)构建外观精美的网页,而且在任何桌面设备或移动设备中都能快速运行。适合业余和有经验的设计师等阅读。   从基础知识入手。编写对 CSS 友好的 HTML 代码,包括现今的浏览器能识别的 HTML5 标签。   为移动设备设计。创建对移动设备友好的网页,以便访客随时随地浏览。   创建充满活力的网页。添加能吸引眼球的动画,创建用户体验好的表单。   控制页面的布局。使用专业的设计技术,例如浮动和定位。   让布局更灵活。使用弹性盒设计网站,适应不同的设备和屏幕宽度。   更有效地工作。使用 Sass,减少编写的 CSS 代码量,以小型文件组织样式。
2019-12-21 19:34:47 119.02MB CSS开发 CSS实战手册
本书对Qt进行了全面介绍,充分展示了Qt程序开发模式中的每一个细节。奇趣科技公司就是采用这样一本包含诸多实际应用和深刻见解的书籍来对新员工进行Qt培训的。在本书中,除了可以找到诸如数据库访问、XML集成、自定义控件的创建等成熟完善的技术以外,还可以为每一项实际的GUI开发任务找到最佳的解决方案。 对于本书讲授的大量Qt4编程原理和实践,读者可轻松将其应用于Qt4.4、Qt4.5以及后续版本中的Qt程序开发过程之中。
2019-12-21 19:34:06 33.64MB C++ QT
Deep Learning A Practitioner's Approach 高清PDF版,仅作学习分享用途,如有侵权请直接联系CSDN删除
2019-12-21 19:34:05 18.3MB Deep Learning