噪声主动控制的入门书籍 澳大利亚汉森 部分目录: CHAPTER ONE. A LITTLE HISTORY ........................................................... 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1 1.2 EARLY HISTORY ..................................................................................... 2 1.3 LATER HISTORY ...................................................................................... 5 1.4 CURRENT COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS ......................................... 5 1.5 THE FUTURE .......................................................................................... 6 CHAPTER TWO. FOUNDATIONS OF ACTIVE CONTROL ....................... 9 2.1 PHYSICAL MECHANISMS ..................................................................... 9 2.2 BASIC STRUCTURE OF ACTIVE NOISE CONTROL SYSTEMS ...... 11 2.2.1 Adaptive Feedforward Control ....................................................... 12 2.2.2 Feedback Control ............................................................................ 16 2.2.3 Waveform Synthesis ....................................................................... 18 2.3 CONTROL SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION.................................................. 19 2.3.1 Control Source Output Power and Placement ................................ 21 2.3.2 Influence of Error Sensor Placement .............................................. 25 2.3.3 Influence of Reference Signal Delay and Quality .......................... 27 CHAPTER THREE. THE ELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEM............... 31 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
2019-12-21 20:23:58 2.54MB 主动控制 active noise control
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fxLMS 主动噪声控制算法,比较全,分享给大家,值得学习。
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使用GVF域和VFC域进行图片分割 % Vector field convolution (VFC) external force field example. % % See also AMT, EXAMPLE_PIG, AM_VFC, AM_VFK, AC_DISPLAY. % % Reference % [1] Bing Li and Scott T. Acton, "Active contour external force using % vector field convolution for image segmentation," Image Processing, % IEEE Trans. on, vol. 16, pp. 2096-2106, 2007. % [2] Bing Li and Scott T. Acton, "Automatic Active Model % Initialization via Poisson Inverse Gradient," Image Processing, % IEEE Trans. on, vol. 17, pp. 1406-1420, 2008. % % (c) Copyright Bing Li 2005 - 2009. clear all disp('======================================') disp('Vector field convolution (VFC) example') %% parameter settings disp('Initializing parameters ...') SAVE_AVI = 0; % set it to 1 if you want to save the process as .avi movie DISPLAY_STREAMLINE = 0; % set it to 1 if you want to plot streamlines, note that it takes a while mu = .2; GVF_ITER = 100; normalize = 1; alpha = .5; beta = 0; tau = .5; SNAKE_ITER = 5; SNAKE_ITER1 = 60; RES = .5; clr = {'b' 'b' 'r'}; %% Read images disp('Reading images ...') U = imread('im_U.bmp'); noisyU=imread('im_Unoisy.bmp'); figure(1) %% compare 3 different cases for cs = 1:3, %% compute external force fields switch cs, case 1, % traditional GVF with Gaussian filter disp('--------------------------------------------------') disp('Case 1: GVF snake with initial circle close to FOI') disp('Computing the external force field ...') h = fspecial('gaussian',[5 5],5); f = imfilter(double(noisyU),h); titl = 'GVF'; Fext = AM_GVF(f, mu, GVF_ITER, normalize); R = 20; case 2, % traditional GVF with Gaussian filter disp('--------------------------------------------------') disp('Case 2: GVF snake with initial circle far away from FOI') disp('Computing the external force field ...
2019-12-21 19:56:10 4.58MB 主动轮廓 GVF VFC
该专著由三部分组成,第一部分包括第1章和第2章,介绍了防抱死制动系统的发展历程及未来展望,以及在研究制动系统及其控制时使用的模型;第二部分包括第3章、第4章和第5章,介绍了制动控制系统设计的基本解决方案;第三部分包括第6章、第7章和第8章,提出了主动制动控制系统设计和轮胎-路面附着系数估计的更先进的解决方案。   该专著后面还有附录,提供了本专著用到的动态系统的分析和推理工具以及轮速传感器的信号处理方法。该专著主要内容来自米兰理工大学与先进的汽车工业领域联合研究的*成果,既有较深的理论深度,又与汽车工业实际紧密联系。可作为车辆工程相关专业本科生或者研究生的教材,也可作为汽车工业领域相关工程技术人员的参考书,还可以作为相关研究领域研究人员的参考资料。
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微波遥感 第三卷 主动与被动遥感 权威,经典
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