2019-12-21 19:31:33 6.46MB 量化交易 量化投资 策略
flash game development by example源码 一共9章的例子
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Vision Development Module 8.5.注册机
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C++ boost application development cookbook 第二版,含pdf, epub, azw3和源代码
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2019-12-21 19:27:37 49KB Abaqus Development Plugin
manning@2003 - art of java web development
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If you want to learn about 3D math in order to program games or graphics, then this book is for you. There are many books out there that promise to teach you how to make a game or put cool pictures up on the screen, so why should you read this particular book? This book offers several unique advantages over other books about games or graphics programming:  A unique topic. This book fills a gap that has been left by other books on graphics, linear algebra, simulation, and programming. It is an introductory book, meaning we have focused our efforts on providing thorough coverage on fundamental 3D concepts — topics that are normally glossed over in a few quick pages or relegated to an appendix in other publications (because, after all, you already know all this stuff). Our book is definitely the book you should read first, before buying that “Write a 3DVideoGame in 21Days” book. This book is not only an introductory book, it is also a reference book — a “toolbox” of equations and techniques that you can browse through on a first reading and then revisit when the need for a specific tool arises. 1 A unique approach. We take a three-pronged approach to the subject matter: math, geome- try, and code. The math part is the equations and numbers. This is where most books stop. Of course, the math is important, but to make it powerful, you have to have good intuition about how the math connects with the geometry.We will show you not just one but multiple ways to relate the numbers with the geometry on a variety of subjects, such as orientation in 3D, matrix multiplication, and quaternions. After the intuition comes the implementation; the code part is the practical part.We show real usable code that makes programming 3D math as easy as possible.  Unique authors. Our combined experience brings together academic authority with in-the-trenches practical advice. Fletcher Dunn has six years of professional game program- ming experience and several titles under his belt on a var
2019-12-21 19:24:43 11.23MB 3d math graphics game direct3d
无水印,全部书籍内容 Programming Rust Fast, Safe Systems Development Programming Rust Fast, Safe Systems Development By Jim Blandy, Jason Orendorff
2019-12-21 19:24:24 13.88MB 编程语言
Django 2 Web Development Cookbook 100 practical recipes on building scalable Python web apps with Django 2, 3rd Edition
2019-12-21 18:58:41 12.59MB django python
乍一看这本书的名字,Expert one on one J2EE development without EJB并没有给人带来太冲击。毕竟关于J2EE的书太多了,而without EJB看上去有点象是故意挑衅EJB的感觉。一本J2EE的书怎么可能会给人带来信念或思维的冲击呢?但是它做到了,它不仅使自己变成了不朽的经典,也使Rod Johnson成为了我最近一年的新偶像。                         --xiecc   你的J2EE项目是否耗费了你太多的时间?它们是否难以调试?它们是否效率不彰?也许你还在使用传统的J2EE方案,然而这种主案太过复杂,而且并非真正面向对象。这里的很多问题都与EJB有关:EJB是一种复杂的技术,但它没有兑现自己曾经的承诺。
2019-12-21 18:58:16 142.12MB one to one expert