DFT的matlab源代码数字信号处理理论与应用 实验1简单采样和光谱 用Matlab进行非常简单的信号处理。 实验2简单过滤 过滤器特性。 卷积的实现。 离散傅立叶变换。 使用Overlapp-add和Overlapp-save使用DFT进行循环卷积和长序列过滤。 实验3 IIR和FIR滤波器设计 脉冲不变变换。 双线性变换。 具有指定规格的椭圆,巴特沃斯,切比雪夫1和切比雪夫2过滤器的设计。 窗口过滤器设计。 Park McClellan方法。 实验4有限字长 固定点表示转换。 实验5多速率DSP 多速率系统设计。 作者 路德维希·特兰赫登(Ludwig Tranheden)
2021-06-28 12:25:37 16KB 系统开源
Modern Multidimensional Scaling, Theory and Applications, 2ed
2021-06-27 21:24:20 5.2MB MDS Modern Multidimensional Scaling
2021-06-27 14:49:54 31.5MB Machin
2021-06-26 17:04:42 21.26MB 概率论原理
目录: 01. A first Course in Logic An Introduction To Model Theory Proof Theory Computability And Complexity - Shawn Hedman(djvu) 02. Advanced Complexity Theory Lctn - Madhu Sudan(pdf) 03. Algorithm and Complexity Lctn - Herbert S. Wilf(pdf) 04. Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook - Mikhail J. Atallah(djvu) 05. An Introduction to Formal Language Theory that Integrates Experimentation and Proof - Allen Stoughton(pdf) 06. An Introduction To Recursive Function Theory -Nigel Cutland(pdf) 07. An Introduction to the Theory of Computation - Eitan Gurari(pdf) 08. CLASSICAL RECURSION THEORY The Theory of Functions and Sets of Natural Numbers - Piergiorgio Odifreddi(djvu) 09. Complexity of Algorithms Lctn - Peter Gacs(pdf) 10. Computation Complexity Lctn - Laszlo Lovasz(pdf) 11. Computational Complexity - Christos Papadimitriou(djvu) 12. Computational Complexity A Conceptual Perspective - Oded Goldreich(pdf) 13. Computational Complexity A Modern Approach - Sanjeev Arora(pdf) 14. Computers And Intractability A Guide To The Theory Of Np-Completeness - Michael Garey(djvu) 15. Elementary Recursion Theory and its Applications to Formal Systems - Saul Kripke(pdf) 16. Elemnts Of The Theory Of Computation 2d ed - Harry Lewis(djvu) 17. Essentials of Theoretical Computer Science - F. D. Lewis(pdf) 18. Goldreich O. Introduction to Complexity Theory (lectures, 1999)(T)(375s)(djvu) 19. Goldreich O. Introduction to complexity theory, lecture notes (1999)(375s)(pdf) 20. Introduction To Automata Theory Languages , and Computation - John Hopcroft(djvu) 21. Introduction to Complexity Theory Lecture Notes - Oded Goldreich(pdf) 22. Introduction To The Theory Of Computation - Michael Sipser(djvu) 23. Kolmogorov Complexity and Computational Complexity - Osamu Watanabe(djvu) 24. Lecture Notes for Introduction to Theory of Computation - Robert Daley(pdf) 25. Lecture Notes On Algorithm Analysis And Computation Complexity 4th ed - Ian Parberry(pdf) 26. Lewis H.R., Pa
2021-06-26 10:50:49 134.29MB 计算理论
R的SARSOP library( sarsop ) library( tidyverse ) # for plotting 问题定义 我们的问题是状态空间,定义的states ,代表着真正的鱼类种群大小(以任意单位),以及动作空间, actions表示一定会有所收获(或试图收获)鱼的数量。 为简单起见,我们将允许从0收获到最大可能状态大小的任何操作。 库存招聘函数f描述了给定当前状态下的预期未来状态。 真正的未来状态将是随机抽取。 奖励函数确定当种群数量为x条鱼时捕集h条鱼的行动值; 为简单起见,本示例假定每单位收成的价格固定,而收割工作没有成本。 未来的奖励被打折。 states <- seq( 0 , 1 , length = 50 ) actions <- states observations <- states sigma_g <- 0.1 sigma_m <- 0.2
2021-06-25 14:20:51 3.71MB r-package fisheries decision-theory pomdp
Performance Modeling and Design of Computer Systems: Queueing Theory in Action Author: Prof. Mor Harchol-Balter Published: February 2013 Publisher: Cambridge University Press ISBN: 9781107027503 Buy it via Amazon.com Buy it via Cambridge University Press (discount code: L3PMDCS) Note: I strongly recommend that you buy a hard copy, because the electronic Kindle versions greatly mess up the math. Full solutions to all the exercises in the book are available to instructors who are teaching out of the book. Please contact me for those.
2021-06-25 14:03:29 6.2MB queueingtheory 排队论 概率 随机过程
2021-06-25 10:39:34 12.63MB PID design theory tuning
Probability: Theory and Examples Rick Durrett, Duke U.
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2021-06-22 15:19:25 5.31MB 矩阵理论