uniGUI Web Application Framework extends Web application development experience to a new dimension. uniGUI enables Delphi developers to create, design and debug web applications in IDE using a unique set of visual components. Each component is designed to provide same functionality of its counterpart visual component in Delphi VCL. This provides a very comfortable development environment very close to native VCL application development with an easy learning curve. uniGUI Web applications can be deployed to a server using one of the available deployment options such as Windows Service, Standalone Server or ISAPI Module.
2023-04-26 20:24:18 45.22MB UniGUI1514 Delphi
Delphi进销存管理系统V5.1源码修正版(含完整数据库) 数据库付加即可 第三方控件 ehlib5 Fastreport+4.10.5+FS 可到盒子下载
2023-04-25 23:19:46 577KB delphi 静态曲线绘制 数据查询 保存
2023-04-25 23:05:08 180KB Delphi
Enlib 4.2.16 汉化版 delphi 2007
2023-04-25 11:02:54 3.31MB Enlib delphi 2007
EhLib Build 6.3.184 支持到 XE7 源码安装版,支持 Win7 64位,用户管理员方式打开 Installer 文件夹下面的 EhLibInstaller 已经修改原版中的错误提示,修改后,系统自动检测,再选择对应的版本,就会自动安装。亲测可用
2023-04-25 10:05:21 12.55MB enlib
VCLZip Pro v3.0 Delphi压缩解压控件..rar
2023-04-24 21:20:06 520KB Delphi
经过本人安装,在windows7下通过测试, 可以直接安装,自动注册正式版,支持delphi XE10.4
2023-04-23 16:54:40 98.6MB UniDac8.2 delphi XE10.4
SUIPack 是一款为Delphi和C++Builder开发的所见即所得的界面增强VCL组件 56个可视化的组件 23种专业设计的界面方案(内置集成5种,外带的界面文件18种)
2023-04-20 11:58:18 8.48MB SUIPack Delphi C++Builder
FastReport VCL Enterprise Edition 4.12 filename : fr4_12_1_d16e.exe for Delphi XE2 FASTREPORT® VCL - report generator for Delphi FastReport® 4 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in the Embarcadero (ex Borland and CodeGear) Delphi 4-XE2, C++Builder 6-XE2.
2023-04-19 11:49:35 22.04MB FastReport VCL Delphi XE2