2023-04-18 13:32:20 684B 复杂度 信号 MATLAB
2023-04-17 22:50:03 28KB pandas CSV文件
ArcMap中计算多边形面积及周长 里面有一些VBA代码,很好用的
2023-04-17 08:28:29 3KB ArcMap中计算多边形面积及周长
2023-04-16 21:42:01 9.04MB 电抗器
2023-04-16 21:20:37 22KB 球面量算
1.使用fox或cannon求A×B=C mpi 2.使用并行正则采样排序数据mpi 3.用openmp实现雅科比矩阵
2023-04-16 17:02:20 2.84MB MPI/Op
这是离散傅立叶变换的核心公式:它只是计算相位信号的基波或谐波的幅度和相移。 例子: t = linspace(0,2*pi); x = 2*cos(t + pi/2) - cos(3*t) + rand(size(t)); 危害(t,x,1:4) 返回前四个谐波的幅度/相位估计。
2023-04-15 20:23:54 3KB matlab
Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL 2.0 teaches OpenCL and parallel programming for complex systems that may include a variety of device architectures: multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and fully-integrated Accelerated Processing Units (APUs). This fully-revised edition includes the latest enhancements in OpenCL 2.0 including: • Shared virtual memory to increase programming flexibility and reduce data transfers that consume resources • Dynamic parallelism which reduces processor load and avoids bottlenecks • Improved imaging support and integration with OpenGL Designed to work on multiple platforms, OpenCL will help you more effectively program for a heterogeneous future. Written by leaders in the parallel computing and OpenCL communities, this book explores memory spaces, optimization techniques, extensions, debugging and profiling. Multiple case studies and examples illustrate high-performance algorithms, distributing work across heterogeneous systems, embedded domain-specific languages, and will give you hands-on OpenCL experience to address a range of fundamental parallel algorithms. Updated content to cover the latest developments in OpenCL 2.0, including improvements in memory handling, parallelism, and imaging support Explanations of principles and strategies to learn parallel programming with OpenCL, from understanding the abstraction models to thoroughly testing and debugging complete applications Example code covering image analytics, web plugins, particle simulations, video editing, performance optimization, and more
2023-04-15 12:21:56 10.5MB opencl 异构计算
AdiaQC 绝热量子计算求解器用于模拟各种问题(包括一些机器学习问题)。 这是用 Python 2.7.4 编写的,仅在 Linux 上进行了测试,但可能对您有用(如果确实如此,请告诉我)。 需要 SciPy(NumPy、PyLab)。 可能通过一些小调整与 Python3 一起使用(如果你做了它们,请分享)。 运行一个问题看起来像: python2 run.py -p [问题] 其中 [problem] 可以是包含在内的 hopfield.py(*.py 是多余的,无论如何都删除了扩展名,您可以在没有它的情况下指定)。 问题文件定义了一个名为“参数”的函数。 它接受命令行参数作为字典。 如果您需要为每个实例做一些特殊的事情,或者您想指定一种模拟类型,这对于具有大量实例的模拟非常有用。 cmd 参数是: --problem:指定问题文件路径相对于AdiaQC/problems
2023-04-15 10:58:28 170KB Python
一,实验目的   学习Hadoop开源云计算平台的安装、配置和应用。实习MapReduce并行计算程序编程。 二,实验内容   1) 基于ubuntukylin14.04(7)版本,安装hadoop-eclipse-kepler-plugin-2.6.0.jar,形成ubuntukylin14.04(8)版本。   2) 基于ubuntukylin14.04(8)版本,通过eclipse完成MapReduce编程实践。
2023-04-15 09:14:38 2.62MB 云计算