2021-01-29 20:09:10 113.97MB python tutorial r sql
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Perl 21天自学教程,分为3周来介绍Perl最基本语法,以及实例讲解,每周教程结束后,提供相关习题和答案来巩固本周的知识点
2021-01-28 02:23:30 1.91MB Perl Tutorial
opencart 开发教程
2021-01-28 01:25:41 6.3MB 移动开发
FLUENT 2020R2 tutorial guide PDF及案例源文件 1.What’s In This Manual The ANSYS Fluent Tutorial Guide contains a number of tutorials that teach you how to use ANSYS Flu- ent to solve different types of problems. In each tutorial, features related to problem setup and postpro- cessing are demonstrated. 2. How To Use This Manual Depending on your familiarity with computational fluid dynamics and the ANSYS Fluent software, you can use this tutorial guide in a variety of ways. 2.1. For the Beginner If you are a beginning user of ANSYS Fluent you should first read and solve Tutorial 1, in order to fa- miliarize yourself with the interface and with basic setup and solution procedures.You may then want to try a tutorial that demonstrates features that you are going to use in your application. You may want to refer to other tutorials for instructions on using specific features, such as custom field functions, mesh scaling, and so on, even if the problem solved in the tutorial is not of particular interest to you. 2.2. For the Experienced User If you are an experienced ANSYS Fluent user, you can read and/or solve the tutorial(s) that demonstrate features that you are going to use in your application. You may want to refer to other tutorials for instructions on using specific features, such as custom field functions, mesh scaling, and so on, even if the problem solved in the tutorial is not of particular interest to you. 3.Typographical Conventions Used In This Manual Several typographical conventions are used in this manual’s text to help you find commands in the user interface. • Different type styles are used to indicate graphical user interface items and text interface items. For example: Iso-Surface dialog box surface/iso-surface text command
2020-11-17 11:29:31 357.24MB tutorial guide ANSYS PDF
2020-10-20 13:14:05 5.62MB 图像处理, 医学图像
PyQt5 Tutorial Documentation Release 1.0 Andrew Steele March 01, 2016 1 Introduction 3 2 Hello World 5 3 Window 7 4 BoxLayout 9 5 GridLayout 11 6 Label 13 7 PushButton 15 8 RadioButton 17 9 CheckBox 19 10 ToolTip 23 11 WhatsThis 25 12 LineEdit 27 13 ButtonGroup 29 13.1 Constructor................................................ 29 13.2 Methods ................................................. 29 13.3 Signals.................................................. 30 13.4 Example ................................................. 30 14 GroupBox 33 15 SizeGrip 35 16 Splitter 37 17 Frame 39 18 Slider 41 19 ScrollBar 43 20 ScrollArea 45 ..... ..... ..... .....
2020-03-25 03:03:06 321KB PyQt5 控件教程
There is an explosion of interest in Bayesian statistics, primarily because recently created computational methods have finally made Bayesian analysis tractable and accessible to a wide audience. Doing Bayesian Data Analysis, A Tutorial Introduction with R and BUGS, is for first year graduate students or advanced undergraduates and provides an accessible approach, as all mathematics is explained intuitively and with concrete examples. It assumes only algebra and ‘rusty’ calculus. Unlike other textbooks, this book begins with the basics, including essential concepts of probability and random sampling. The book gradually climbs all the way to advanced hierarchical modeling methods for realistic data. The text provides complete examples with the R programming language and BUGS software (both freeware), and begins with basic programming examples, working up gradually to complete programs for complex analyses and presentation graphics. These templates can be easily adapted for a large variety of students and their own research needs.The textbook bridges the students from their undergraduate training into modern Bayesian methods. Accessible, including the basics of essential concepts of probability and random sampling Examples with R programming language and BUGS software Comprehensive coverage of all scenarios addressed by non-bayesian textbooks- t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and comparisons in ANOVA, multiple regression, and chi-square (contingency table analysis). Coverage of experiment planning R and BUGS computer programming code on website Exercises have explicit purposes and guidelines for accomplishment 作者从概率统计和编程两方面入手,由浅入深地指导读者如何对实际数据进行贝叶斯分析。全书分成三部分,第一部分为基础篇:关于参数、概率、贝叶斯法则及R软件,第二部分为二元比例推断的基本理论,第三部分为广义线性模型。内容包括贝叶斯统计的基本理论、实验设计的有关知识、以层次模型和MCMC为代表的复杂方法等。同时覆盖所有需要用到非贝叶斯方法的情况,其中包括:t检验,方差分析(ANOVA)和ANOVA中的多重比较法,多元线性回归,Logistic回归,序列回归和卡方(列联表)分析。针对不同的学习目标(如R、BUGS等)列出了相应的重点章节;整理出贝叶斯统计中某些与传统统计学可作类比的内容,方便读者快速学习。本中提出的方法都是可操作的,并且所有涉及数学理论的地方都已经用实际例子非常直观地进行了解释。由于并不对读者的统计或
2020-03-14 03:00:40 9.93MB 贝叶斯 Bayesian Data Analysis
教程以实际应用、工程开发为目的,着重介绍模型训练过程中遇到的实 际问题和方法。如上图所示,在机器学习模型开发中,主要涉及三大部分,分别是数据、模型和损失函数及优化器。本文也按顺序的依次介绍数据、模型和损失函数及优化器,从而给大家带来清晰的机器学习结构。
2020-02-23 03:10:38 8.88MB pytorch 深度学习 中文教程 余霆嵩