Paperback: 326 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (October 30, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 178217480X ISBN-13: 978-1782174806 Create a high-quality first person shooter game using the Unity game engine and the popular UFPS and Probuilder frameworks About This Book Learn how to use Unity in conjunction with UFPS and ProBuilder to create a high-quality game quickly Create both interior and exterior environments A step-by step guide to building a project with clear examples and instructions to create a number of interesting scenarios Who This Book Is For This book is for those who want to create an FPS game in Unity and gain knowledge on how to customize it to be their very own. If you are familiar with the basics of Unity, you will have an easier time, but it should make it possible for someone with no prior experience to learn Unity at an accelerated pace. What You Will
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3.8 掉电检测 LPC111x/LPC11Cxx 有四个电平用于监视 VDD(3V3) 引脚电压。如果电压下降到选定的电平 ( 这四个电平之一),那么 BOD 会产生一个中断信号到 NVIC。若该信号被 NVIC 的中断允许寄 存器允许,则会引发一个 CPU 中断;若未被允许,则软件可以通过读 NVIC 状态寄存器 ( 见 Table 53) 来监视这个信号。此外还可在四个阀值电平之中选择一个,当电压下降到该 电平时处理器将被强制复位 ( 见 Table 33)。 Fig 4. Start-up timing valid threshold = 1.8V processor status VDD IRC status RESET GND 80 μs 101 μs boot time user code boot code execution finishes; user code starts IRC starts supply ramp-up time 55 μsUM10398 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2012. All rights reserved. User manual Rev. 5 — 2 April 2012 34 of 427
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