Shimon Even's Graph Algorithms, published in 1979, was a seminal introductory book on algorithms read by everyone engaged in the field. This thoroughly revised second edition, with a foreword by Richard M. Karp and notes by Andrew V. Goldberg, continues the exceptional presentation from the first edition and explains algorithms in a formal but simple language with a direct and intuitive presentation. The book begins by covering basic material, including graphs and shortest paths, trees, depth-first-search and breadth-first search. The main part of the book is devoted to network flows and applications of network flows, and it ends with chapters on planar graphs and testing graph planarity.
2020-01-03 11:20:48 1.47MB 算法
2019-12-21 22:15:31 2.59MB ID Graph 焓湿图
配合NGUI3.5和Unity3D 3.x以上的版本使用,Unity3D坑爹,但又是唯一一个图表插件!-_-!
2019-12-21 22:12:39 3.68MB GraphMaker Unity3D
2019-12-21 22:02:04 179KB soft freemind design graph
2019-12-21 21:58:49 10.87MB 画图软件 graph 散点图
graph and chart是最好的图表制作工具,但是比较复杂。现上传graph and chart手册,内容十分详细,教你快速用graph and chart创建图表。
2019-12-21 21:48:36 614KB graph chart unity UI
Graph是一款开源类的绘制函数图像软件。他可以帮助用户在坐标系统绘制数学图形,并且该程序绘制的图形可以很容易地粘贴到其它应用程序。Graph 功能特点:1、根据函数绘制函数图像2、绘制曲线上的切线、法线、阴影等
2019-12-21 21:48:09 4.94MB 数学软件 graph 数学图形软件
西门子300PLC顺空编程(SFC编程 GRAPH编程),应用与复杂的顺空程序编程,功能强大,条理清晰。西门子300PLC顺空编程(SFC编程 GRAPH编程),应用与复杂的顺空程序编程,功能强大,条理清晰。
2019-12-21 21:46:11 2.43MB 西门子 SFC 顺空 GRAPH
Structural Pattern Recognition with Graph Edit Distance_Approximation Algorithms and Applications 164页高清 带详细书签目录 pdf格式 Springer出版
2019-12-21 21:42:32 3.1MB 模式识别
Practical Graph Analytics with Apache Giraph helps you build data mining and machine learning applications using the Apache Foundation's Giraph framework for graph processing. This is the same framework as used by Facebook, Google, and other social media analytics operations to derive business value from vast amounts of interconnected data points. Graphs arise in a wealth of data scenarios and describe the connections that are naturally formed in both digital and real worlds. Examples of such connections abound in online social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, among users who rate movies from services like Netflix and Amazon Prime, and are useful even in the context of biological networks for scientific research. Whether in the context of business or science, viewing data as connected adds value by increasing the amount of information available to be drawn from that data and put to use in generating new revenue or scientific opportunities. Apache Giraph offers a simple yet flexible programming model targeted to graph algorithms and designed to scale easily to accommodate massive amounts of data. Originally developed at Yahoo!, Giraph is now a top top-level project at the Apache Foundation, and it enlists contributors from companies such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
2019-12-21 21:32:05 8.88MB Practical Graph Analytics Apache