2021-09-24 23:18:47 33.62MB field wave
libusb 的帮助手册 V1.0.18 libusb is an open source library that allows you to communicate with USB devices from userspace. For more info, see the libusb homepage. This documentation is aimed at application developers wishing to communicate with USB peripherals from their own software. After reviewing this documentation, feedback and questions can be sent to the libusb-devel mailing list. This documentation assumes knowledge of how to operate USB devices from a software standpoint (descriptors, configurations, interfaces, endpoints, control/bulk/interrupt/isochronous transfers, etc). Full information can be found in the USB 3.0 Specification which is available for free download. You can probably find less verbose introductions by searching the web. Library features •All transfer types supported (control/bulk/interrupt/isochronous) •2 transfer interfaces:1.Synchronous (simple) 2.Asynchronous (more complicated, but more powerful) •Thread safe (although the asynchronous interface means that you usually won't need to thread) •Lightweight with lean API •Compatible with libusb-0.1 through the libusb-compat-0.1 translation layer •Hotplug support (on some platforms). See Device hotplug event notification.
2021-09-24 19:14:22 1.89MB usb libusb win32 chm
Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach 7th Edition Kurose Solutions Manual 第7版官方配套答案
2021-09-24 12:29:45 3.14MB 参考答案
附件为Behrouz Forouzan所写的Data Communications and Networking的课后练习题的答案,只有单数部分。 对于学习这本书的同学,应该比较有用。
2021-09-24 02:28:44 1.88MB 数据通信 Behrouz Forouzan
本书为约翰·克雷格(John Craig)所著《机器人学导论》的中文版系统讲解了机器人学的理论知识,主要内容包括:空间位姿的描述和变换、操作臂的正运动学和逆运动学、操作臂的雅可比、操作臂动力学、轨迹规划、操作臂的机构设计、操作臂的线性和非线性控制、操作臂的力控制、机器人编程语言和离线编程。此外,各章末包括不同难度的习题、编程练习和MATLAB练习。本书可作为高等院校相关专业的教材和参考书,也可供相关技术人员参考。
2021-09-24 01:31:34 5.69MB 机器人学 人工智能
SICAM Q200 - 7KG97 - Help - Manual[手册]pdf,
2021-09-23 15:22:25 1005KB 说明书
2021-09-22 23:41:08 31.81MB 全志 用户手册 资料 h616
complete solution of numerical analysis(8th edition, richard l.burden) instructor's solution manual
2021-09-22 21:05:18 8.29MB numerical analysis richard burden
This UVM Class Reference provides detailed reference information for each user-visible class in the UVM library. For additional information on using UVM, see the UVM User’s Guide located in the top level directory within the UVM kit.
2021-09-22 15:51:36 4.51MB uvm
63-9243 Rev B User Manual and Programming Guide,VLP-16
2021-09-21 20:14:58 21.03MB Velodyne