2021-08-26 09:54:15 8.77MB IOT C# Bluetooth
AT指令 更新于2019.11月
2021-08-25 11:10:31 4.35MB nb-iot 物联网 MQTTS 串口通讯
2021-08-25 09:03:17 48.71MB iot
This book is designed for entry-through-intermediate-level device designers who want to build their own Internet of Things (IoT) projects for prototyping and proof-of-concept purposes. Expert makers may also find interesting new approaches. Raspberry Pi IoT Projects contains the tools needed to build a prototype of your design, sense the environment, communicate with the Internet (over the Internet and Machine to Machine communications) and display the results. Several IoT projects and designs are shown from the start to the finish including an IoT Heartbeat Monitor, an IoT Swarm, IoT Solar Powered Weather Station, an IoT iBeacon Application and a RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) IoT Inventory Tracking System. The software is presented as reusable libraries, primarily in Python and C with full source code available. Raspberry Pi IoT Projects: Prototyping Experiments for Makers is also a valuable learning resource for classrooms and learning labs.
2021-08-24 22:04:16 10.58MB Raspberry Pi IoT Projects
This book addresses researchers and graduate students at the forefront of study/research on the Internet of Things (IoT) by presenting state-of-the-art research together with the current and future challenges in building new smart applications (e.g., Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, and Industrial IoT) in an efficient, scalable, and sustainable way. It covers the main pillars of the IoT world (Connectivity, Interoperability, Discoverability, and Security/Privacy), providing a comprehensive look at the current technologies, procedures, and architectures.
2021-08-24 20:46:28 9MB IoT
2021-08-24 11:03:58 9KB 物联网
什么是Lua RTOS? Lua RTOS是一种实时操作系统,旨在在嵌入式系统上运行,对FLASH和RAM内存的要求最低。 目前,Lua RTOS可用于ESP32,ESP8266和PIC32MZ平台,并可轻松移植到其他32位平台。 Lua RTOS具有三层设计: 在顶层,有一个Lua 5.3.4解释器,它为程序员提供Lua编程语言提供的所有资源,以及用于访问硬件(PIO,ADC,I2C,RTC等)和中间件服务的特殊模块。由Lua RTOS提供(Lua Threads,LoRa WAN,MQTT等)。 在中间层,有一个由FreeRTOS支持的实时微内核。 这是导致事情在预期时间内发生的原因。 在底层有一个硬件抽象层,直接与平台硬件对话。 为了将Lua RTOS移植到其他平台,只需要为底层编写代码,因为顶层和中间层对于所有平台都是相同的。 如何编程? Lua RTOS兼容板可以用进行两种编程:直接使用Lua编程语言,或使用将块转换为Lua的基于块的编程语言。 无论使用Lua还是块,两种编程形式都是在相同的编程环境中进行的。 程序员可以决定,例如,使用块制作快速原型,然后更改为
2021-08-23 17:25:33 7.51MB iot lua esp32 iot-platform
2021-08-23 13:05:12 209.41MB 智慧园区 IoT
IOT low cost sulotion ESP8266 Wifi module
2021-08-22 21:47:03 21.42MB ESP8266 WIFI IOT