2021-03-05 18:05:44 610KB 树莓派pico
2021-03-05 09:06:23 6KB 粒子群算法、Java
verilog PLI handbook example 例子 chapter.01\build_vpi_XL.mak ..........\hello_test.log ..........\hello_test.v ..........\hello_vpi.c ..........\show_value_test.log ..........\show_value_test.v ..........\show_value_vpi.c ..........\vpi_user_XL.c .........2\build_vpi_XL.mak .......
2021-03-04 18:02:05 364KB verilog PLI handbook example
2021-03-03 16:01:52 3.75MB opencl
2021-03-03 10:01:41 61KB 二维码 java spring boot
2021-03-02 19:03:58 4.73MB opc
Every day, more and more people learn and use the C++ programming Language. I have taught C to thousands of students in my life. I see many of those students now moving to C++ in their school work or career. The C++ language is becoming an industry-accepted standard programming language, using the solid foundation of C to gain a foothold. C++ is simply a better C than C. C++ By Example is one of several books in Que抯 new line of By Example series. The philosophy of these books is simple: The best way to teach computer programming concepts is with multiple examples. Command descriptions, format syntax, and language references are not enough to teach a newcomer a programming language. Only by looking at numerous examples and by running sample programs can programming students get more than just a 揻eel?for the language. Table of Contents Overview I Introduction to C++ 1 Welcome to C++ 2 What Is a Program? 3 Your First C++ Program 4 Variables and Literals 5 Character Arrays and Strings 6 Preprocessor Directives 7 Simple Input/Output II Using C++ Operators 8 Using C++ Math Operators and Precedence 9 Relational Operators 10 Logical Operators 11 Additional C++ Operators III C++ Constructs 12 The while Loop 13 The for Loop 14 Other Loop Options 15 The switch and goto Statements 16 Writing C++ Functions IV Variable Scope and Modular Programming 17 Variable Scope 18 Passing Value 19 Function Return Values and Prototyping 20 Default Arguments and Function Overloading V Character Input/Output and String Functions 21 Device and Character Input/Output 22 Character, String, and Numeric Functions Contents x VI Arrays and Pointers 23 Introducing Arrays 24 Array Processing 25 Multidimensional Arrays 26 Pointers 27 Pointers and Arrays VII Structures and File Input/Output 28 Structures 29 Arrays of Structures 30 Sequential Files 31 Random-Access Files 32 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming VIII References A Memory Addressing, Binary, and Hexadecimal Review B Answers to Review
2021-03-01 13:47:39 4.2MB C++ example
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2021-02-28 00:39:55 266KB JavaScript
2021-02-27 22:03:44 4.9MB Kotlin
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2021-02-27 11:05:54 88KB CSS