InfiniBand Network Architecture is a comprehensive guide to InfiniBand technology. It describes all hardware and software operational aspects of InfiniBand networking. Using the same building-block approach found in all of the books in the PC System Architecture Series, this book details important concepts relating to the design and implementation of data networks using this emerging standard. A broad overview of the InfiniBand specification is provided, as well as detailed descriptions of all the architecture's operational characteristics.
2021-12-06 20:00:20 25.13MB mindshare infini band
作者简介 Dr. William Stallings has authored 18 titles, and counting revised editions, over 40 books on computer security, computer networking, and computer architecture. His writings have appeared in numerous publications, including the Proceedings of the IEEE, ACM Computing Reviews and Cryptologia. He has 13 times received the award for the best Computer Science textbook of the year from the Text and Academic Authors Association. In over 30 years in the field, he has been a technical contributor, technical manager, and an executive with several high-technology firms. He has designed and implemented both TCP/IP-based and OSI-based protocol suites on a variety of computers and operating systems, ranging from microcomputers to mainframes. As a consultant, he has advised government agencies, computer and software vendors, and major users on the design, selection, and use of networking software and products. He created and maintains the Computer Science Student Resource Site at This site provides documents and links on a variety of subjects of general interest to computer science students (and professionals). He is a member of the editorial board of Cryptologia, a scholarly journal devoted to all aspects of cryptology. Dr. Stallings holds a PhD from MIT in computer science and a BS from Notre Dame in electrical engineering. 目录 1. Computer and Network Security Concepts 2. Introduction to Number Theory 3. Classical Encryption Techniques 4. Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard 5. Finite Fields 6. Advanced Encryption Standard 7. Block Cipher Operation 8. Random Bit Generation and Stream Ciphers 9. Public-Key Cryptography and RSA 10. Other Public-Key Cryptosystems 11. Cryptographic Hash Functions 12. Message Authentication Codes 13. Digital Signatures 14. Key Management and Distribution 15. User Authentication Protocols 16. Network Access Control and Cloud Security 17. Transport-Level Security 18. Wireless Netwo
2021-12-06 16:43:40 8.7MB Willia Crypto Networ Princi
2021-12-05 16:50:09 1.47MB 社交网络 python
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matlab代码abs 多任务深度网络 基于多任务深度学习的医学图像语义分割方法 (EMBC 2019) (MICCAIW - MLMI 2019) 依赖关系 套餐 火炬 TensorboardX OpenCV 麻木的 tqdm 可以在requirements.txt文件中找到所用包的详尽列表。 使用以下命令安装相同的: conda create --name < env > --file requirements.txt 预处理 轮廓和距离图是预先计算的,可以从二进制掩码中获得。 可以在此处找到示例 matlab 代码: 轮廓: 距离: 目录结构 训练和测试文件夹应包含以下结构: ├── contour |-- 1.png |-- 2.png ... ├── dist_contour |--1.mat |--2.mat ... ├── dist_mask |-- 1.mat |-- 2.mat ... ├── dist_signed |-- 1.mat |-- 2.mat ... ├── image |-- 1.jpg |-- 2.jpg ... └── mask |-- 1.png
2021-12-03 17:14:25 900KB 系统开源
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我们介绍了带变分推理的贝叶斯卷积神经网络,这是卷积神经网络(CNN)的一种变体,其中权重的难处理的后验概率分布是由Backprop的Bayes推断的。 我们证明我们提出的变分推断方法是如何实现的性能相当于频率论推理在几个数据集(MNIST,CIFAR10,CIFAR100),如所描述的相同结构。 贝叶斯vs频频方法中的过滤器权重分布 整个CNN的全贝叶斯视角 图层类型 该存储库包含两种类型的贝叶斯lauer实现: BBB(Backprop的Bayes): 基于。 该层分别对所有权重进行采样,然后将其与输入组合以从激活中计算出一个样本。 BBB_LRT(使用本地重新参数化技巧的Backprop进行Bayes操作): 这一层与本地重新参数伎俩结合贝叶斯通过Backprop。 这个技巧使得可以直接从激活中的分布中采样。 制作自定义贝叶斯网络? 要创建自定义贝叶斯网络,请继承layers.m
2021-12-01 15:13:56 46.78MB python pytorch bayesian-network image-recognition
Coursera上的深度学习专业化(由deeplearning.ai提供) deeplearning.ai提供的Coursera所有课程的编程作业和测验。 授课老师: 笔记 有关Coursera深度学习专业中所有课程的详细面试准备笔记,请 设置 运行setup.sh以(i)下载经过预先​​训练的VGG-19数据集,并(ii)提取所有分配所需的经过z​​ip压缩的经过预先训练的模型和数据集。 学分 此仓库包含我针对该专业的工作。除非另有说明,否则代码库,测验问题和图表均取自的“ 。 编程作业 课程1:神经网络与深度学习 课程2:改善深度神经网络:超参数调整,正则化和优化 课程3:构建机器学习项目 此课程没有PA。但是本课程附带了非常有趣的案例研究测验(如下)。 课程4:卷积神经网络 课程5:序列模型 测验解决方案 课程1:神经网络与深度学习 第1周测验-深度学习简介: | 第2周测验-神经
用于从 RGB 图像重建光谱的分层回归网络 NTIRE 2020 团队 OrangeCat 光谱重建挑战的 README 文件:用于从 RGB 图像重建光谱的分层回归网络。 我们的方法在轨道 2 中获得了第一名:真实世界的图像。 论文可下载: : HRNet架构 主网络(不同层通过PixelShuffle和PixelUnShuffle连接): 主网建议使用的 ResDB 和 ResGB: 文件结构 NTIRE 2020 Spectral Reconstruction Challenge │ │ validation*.py │ test*.py │ ensemble*.py │ └───track1 (saving the trained models of track1) │ │ code1_G_epoch9000_bs8.pth │
2021-11-30 19:28:05 53.21MB JupyterNotebook