ISSCC2021_Session_24V_Advanced Embedded Memories.pdf
2021-05-04 10:00:31 9.33MB ISSCC
2021-04-30 10:01:35 8.48MB 【SIEMENS】808D-Ad
Unity3D的Inspector插件工具。 内置许多Editor属性,可以快速设置字段在Inspector中的显示样式和格式。
2021-04-29 17:18:08 161B 插件 Inspector unity3d
Advanced Modern Algebra, Part 1, Joseph Rotman.pdf
2021-04-29 11:26:35 57.18MB algebra
This book is aimed at two complementary audiences: • Intermediate R programmers who want to dive deeper into R and learn more strategies for solving diverse problems • Programmers from other languages who are learning R, and want to understand why R works the way it does. To get the most out of this book, you will need to have written a decent amount of code in either R or other programming languages. You should be familiar with how functions work in R, although you might not know all the details, and you should be somewhat familiar with the apply family of functions (like apply() and lapply()), although you may currently struggle to use them effectively.
2021-04-29 09:41:12 1.36MB R DataMining
2021-04-27 20:39:18 135.36MB Verilog  HDL HDL
《4G移动通信技术权威指南(第2版)》专注于LTE第11版的全面更新,全面阐述了LTE的基本技术以及LTE标准,并解释了这些标准是基于什么考虑制定的,有助于读者深刻理解LTE。书中对移动方案的每个组成部分都进行了详尽诠释,帮助读者理解如何在移动宽带通信产品和系统中实现和部署LTE,如何利用新的技术以保持竞争优势。, 完整覆盖了3GPP第11版的新内容。, 清晰阐述了异构网相关技术,涵盖小小区/异构部署和CoMP,以及站点间协调。, 介绍了LTE第12版的现状,包括局域接入、CoMP、机器类型的通信、设备到设备通信的进一步增强。, 详细讨论了LTE无线接口结构、物理层、接入过程、广播、中继、频谱和射频特性,以及系统性能。
2021-04-27 14:56:41 84.24MB LTE
2021-04-27 14:02:12 6.58MB 通信
This book describes different methods that are relevant to the development and testing of control algorithms for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and automated driving functions (ADF). These control algorithms need to respond safely, reliably and optimally in varying operating conditions. Also, vehicles have to comply with safety and emission legislation. The text describes how such control algorithms can be developed, tested and verified for use in real-world driving situations. Owing to the complex interaction of vehicles with the environment and different traffic participants, an almost infinite number of possible scenarios and situations that need to be considered may exist. The book explains new methods to address this complexity, with reference to human interaction modelling, various theoretical approaches to the definition of real-world scenarios, and with practically-oriented examples and contributions, to ensure efficient development and testing of ADAS and ADF. Control Strategies for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving Functions is a collection of articles by international experts in the field representing theoretical and application-based points of view. As such, the methods and examples demonstrated in the book will be a valuable source of information for academic and industrial researchers, as well as for automotive companies and suppliers.
2021-04-26 22:26:46 12.11MB 自动驾驶
Advanced Installer 是一款功能强大、可生成符合 MS Windows 认证的 Windows Installer 的 MSI 安装包制作工具,具有友好的图形用户界面,直观而且非常简单的界面,创建 MSI 文件包非常方便,用户只需添加文件,修改名称,添加按钮就可以了,无需任何脚本方面的知识,并且生成的安装文件保证符合 Windows 最佳操作建议。 程序版本:中文版6.6 汉化注册。 刚刚开始学习程序安装包制,感觉这个程序还可以,哪位如果有好的程序安装包制工具,可以推荐一下,谢谢了!