2021-05-17 17:03:20 14.49MB webassembly Assembly
基于 WebAssembly 的 IoT应用架构实践
2021-04-21 13:03:11 29.94MB WebAssembly
Programming WebAssembly with Rust by Kevin Hoffman (
2021-03-12 19:29:58 3.09MB rust
内斯·罗斯·艾克西 这是一个将与集成的项目。 目的是提供一种更简单的方法来在网络上重用NES模拟器应用程序。 演示版
2021-02-05 11:06:14 102KB javascript emulator rust webassembly
卡斯珀 C#ZX频谱模拟器 此项目是 (Java频谱模拟器)的.NET标准(2.0.3),Windows窗体(在.NET Framework 4.6.1上)以及现在的和(使用WebAssembly)的C#端口。在。 如何建造 下载或分叉此存储库,然后在Visual Studio 2019(版本16.5.4或更高版本)中打开Casper.sln文件。 您将需要使用以下: ASP.NET和Web开发 .NET桌面开发 怎么跑 在Visual Studio中,将以下项目之一设置为您的启动项目,然后按F5键开始调试: Casper.BlazorServer Casper.BlazerWebAss
2021-02-05 11:06:13 5.04MB game emulator retro webassembly
awesome-yew:Ye与Yew WebAssembly相关的精选真棒清单
2021-02-02 12:06:59 12KB rust awesome webassembly wasm
awesome-wasi::smiling_face_with_sunglasses:与WebAssembly WASI生态系统有关的令人敬畏的事情的精选列表
2021-02-02 12:06:57 10KB lists list awesome webassembly
适用于Chrome操作系统的智能卡连接器应用 该存储库包含Chrome OS智能卡连接器应用程序的源代码(在分发),以及示例如何与该应用程序进行通信的示例。 文献资料 本文档针对不同的目标受众分为几个部分: 您是Chrome操作系统用户吗? 请参阅以下帮助中心文章: : 。 您是Chrome操作系统管理员吗? 请参阅以下帮助中心文章: : 。 您是Chrome OS扩展程序/应用程序的开发人员,需要访问PC / SC API才能与智能卡对话? 请参阅此自述: 。 您是需要构建智能卡连接器应用程序的开发人员和/或此存储库的维护者吗? 请参阅此自述: 。 常问问题 什么是智能卡? 请参阅 。 请注意,还有一些设备可以模拟智能卡,例如Yubikey设备(请参见 )。 我需要智能卡连接器应用程序吗? 仅当您拥有智能卡(或模拟它的设备)并且需要在Chrome操作系统设备上使用它来在网页,远程桌面应用程序上进行身份验证,在企业部署中登录到Chrome操作系统等情况下,才需要使用此功能。 我可以将其与存储卡(microSD等)一起使用吗? 不可以。智能卡连接器应用
2021-01-30 14:08:42 65.79MB javascript chrome-extension cpp webassembly
WebAssembly is a brand-new technology that represents a paradigm shift in web development. This book aims to teaches programmers how to leverage this technology to write high- performance applications that run in the browser. This book will introduces you to the powerful WebAssembly concepts of WebAssembly that willto help you write lean and powerful web applications with native performance.
2019-12-21 21:16:06 7.75MB WebAssembly
Hands-On Game Development with WebAssembly by Rick Battagline Packt Publishing English 2019-05-31 596 pages 5.0/5.0 1 reviews Details Title: Hands-On Game Development with WebAssembly Author: Rick Battagline Length: 596 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2019-05-31 ISBN-10: 1838644652 ISBN-13: 9781838644659 Sales Rank: #1428959 (See Top 100 Books) Categories Computers & Technology Digital Audio, Video & Photography Programming Description Make your WebAssembly journey fun while making a game with it Key Features Create a WebAssembly game that implements sprites, animations, physics, particle systems, and other game development fundamentals Get to grips with advanced game mechanics in WebAssembly Learn to use WebAssembly and WebGL to render to the HTML5 canvas element Book Description Within the next few years, WebAssembly will change the web as we know it. It promises a world where you can write an application for the web in any language, and compile it for native platforms as well as the web. This book is designed to introduce web developers and game developers to the world of WebAssembly by walking through the development of a retro arcade game. You will learn how to build a WebAssembly application using C++, Emscripten, JavaScript, WebGL, SDL, and HTML5. This book covers a lot of ground in both game development and web application development. When creating a game or application that targets WebAssembly, developers need to learn a plethora of skills and tools. This book is a sample platter of those tools and skills. It covers topics including Emscripten, C/C++, WebGL, OpenGL, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS. The reader will also learn basic techniques for game development, including 2D sprite animation, particle systems, 2D camera design, sound effects, 2D game physics, user interface design, shaders, debugging, and optimization. By the end of the book, you will be able to create simple web games and web applicatio
2019-12-21 20:00:23 3.86MB C++ Web WebAssembly WASM