2022-06-02 15:27:46 150KB Kingde
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2022-06-02 11:04:54 18.97MB 源码软件 点netcore3.1购物
winform程序中利用SelfHost自启动webapi服务,不依赖于IIS,需要.net 4.5,服务启动后在浏览器内输入http://localhost:2838/api/Products/GetAllProducts即可访问webapi服务。
2022-05-29 23:22:06 6.7MB webapi SelfHost winform
2022-05-26 10:44:54 43.09MB webapi开发
主要介绍了.net core webapi 前后端开发分离后的配置和部署,文中通过示例代码介绍的非常详细,对大家的学习或者工作具有一定的参考学习价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习学习吧
2022-05-25 10:22:25 60KB .net web api 前后端分离
Progressive Disclosure is a concept in User Interface Design which advocates only presenting to the user the information they need when they need it. In many ways, the book you are reading right now is an example of this principle. In fact, it is quite likely that this book wouldn’t have “worked” a mere seven years ago. For you see, the programming world was quite a different place when RESTful Web Services, the predecessor of this book, was written. At that time, the term “REST” was was rarely used. And when it was used it was often misapplied, and widely misunderstood. This was the case despite the fact that the standards upon which REST is based, namely HTTP and HTML, were developed and became IETF and W3C standards in roughly their current form in the second half of the 1990s. Roy Fielding’s thesis paper in which he introduced the term REST and on which this book was based was itself published in 2000.
2022-05-16 09:30:16 10.33MB RESTful webAPI 英文版
附件文档以QQ在线WEBAPI接口为实例,使用Oracle自带的 UTL包以POST方式调用WEBAPI,结果正常可用。希望对想通过数据库的方式调用WEBAPI接口的同仁门有帮助。
2022-05-15 11:45:29 2KB oracle utl_http Post WEBAPI
业务场景: 业务需求要求,需要对 WebApi 接口服务统一返回参数,也就是把实际的结果用一定的格式包裹起来,比如下面格式: { response:{ code:200, msg:Remote service error, result: } } 具体实现: using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters; public class WebApiResultMiddleware : ActionFilterAttribute { p
2022-05-11 16:36:26 38KB .NET AS asp
ASP.NET WebAPI+mvc4.0+EasyUI快速开发框架+通用权限管理系统源码+说明教程文档资料,框架特色: 1、基于ASP.NET MVC4.0 + WebAPI + EasyUI + Knockout的架构设计开发 2、采用MVC的框架模式,具有耦合性低、重用性高、生命周期成本低、可维护性高、有利软件工程化管理等优点 3、采用WebAPI,客户端完全摆脱了代理和管道来直接进行交互 4、采用EasyUI前台UI界面插件,可轻松的打造出功能丰富并且美观的UI界面 5、采用Knockout,,提供了一个数据模型与用户UI界面进行关联的高层次方式(采用行为驱动开发) 6、数据访问层采用强大的Fluentdata完美地支持多数据库操作 7、封装了一大部分比较实用的控件和组件,如自动完成控件、弹出控件、拼音模糊输入控件、日期控件、导出组件等
讯飞语音听写 webApi 前端示例 安装并启动 npm install npm run dev 配置应用ID及服务密钥 打开 /src/api/aer-config.js 填写你在讯飞云平台上创建的应用的ID及语音听写服务的密钥。 { engineType: 'sms16k', // 引擎类型, 默认即可 aue: 'raw', // 音频编码,本实例取'raw' appId: '', // 应用ID APIKey: '', // 服务密钥 sampleRate: 16000, // 采样率(48000),注意:设定的值必须为 48000 的约数 sampleBits: 16, // 采样比特率,8 或 16 twoChannel: false // 双声道 }
2022-05-08 20:41:05 195KB JavaScript