Gain a strong foundation of Arduino-based device development, from which you can go in any direction according to your specific development needs and desires. You'll build Arduino-powered devices for everyday use, and then connect those devices to the Internet. You'll be introduced to the building blocks of IoT, and then deploy those principles to by building a variety of useful projects. Projects in the books gradually introduce the reader to key topics such as internet connectivity with Arduino, common IoT protocols, custom web visualization, and Android apps that receive sensor data on-demand and in realtime. IoT device enthusiasts of all ages will want this book by their side when developing Android-based devices. If you're one of the many who have decided to build your own Arduino-powered devices for IoT applications, then Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things is exactly what you need. This book is your single resource--a guidebook for the eager-to-learn Arduino enthusiast--that teaches logically, methodically, and practically how the Arduino works and what you can build with it.
2021-09-16 16:40:32 16.88MB Building Arduino Internet of
生产力 时间管理 利用时间 ,如果能够领悟照做, 我们可以得到很多.
2021-09-16 11:48:41 2.15MB 生产力 时间管理 利用时间
2021-09-08 01:02:33 93KB C
A couple of years ago, Facebook switched its production servers from a PHP-to-C++ compiler to their own HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) and then launched a new version of PHP to run on HHVM called Hack. This comprehensive guide—written by a member of the core HHVM and Hack teams at Facebook—shows you how to get up and running with both HHVM and Hack. What makes them useful? The HHVM engine is faster and more performant than the Zend engine, which can save Facebook and other large-scale sites millions of dollars in servers and maintenance. And while the Hack language looks and acts like PHP, it also contains new features such as static typing, generics, native collections, which PHP developers have long needed. Pick up this book and explore two important programming innovations that help Facebook run a tighter ship. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Typechecking Chapter 2. Generics Chapter 3. Other Features of Hack Chapter 4. PHP Features Not Supported in Hack Chapter 5. Collections Chapter 6. Async Chapter 7. XHP Chapter 8. Configuring and Deploying HHVM Chapter 9. hphpd: Interactive Debugging Chapter 10. Hack Tools
2021-08-22 00:58:10 2.77MB Hack HHVM Programming
DIY Modbus从站,带有Arduino UNO和RS485 Shield。
2021-08-21 16:45:17 256KB embedded internet of things
Learn to design, implement and secure your IoT infrastructure
2021-08-19 09:56:59 21.43MB 物联网
物联网在智慧城市中的应用,介绍了支撑智慧城市的建设的物联网相关的技术、大数据和安全等内容。作者Waleed Ejaz;Thompson Rivers University Kamloops, BC, Canada;Alagan Anpalagan Ryerson University Toronto, ON, Canada Chapter 1 Internet of Things for Smart Cities: Overview and Key Challenges Chapter 2 Communication Technologies and Protocols for Internet of Things Chapter 3 Dimension Reduction for Big Data Analytics in Internet of Things Chapter 4 Internet of Things Enabled Electric Vehicles in Smart Cities Chapter 5 Blockchain Technology for Security and Privacy in Internet of Things
2021-08-06 21:22:40 1.7MB 智慧城市 物联网 大数据
2021-08-03 09:49:09 15.43MB 机器学习
2021-08-03 09:33:23 73KB 开源软件
Raspberry Pi with Java: Programming the Internet of Things (IoT) fills an important gap in knowledge between seasoned Java developers and embedded-hardware gurus, taking a project-based approach to skills development from which both hobbyists and professionals can learn. By starting with simple projects based on open-source libraries such as Pi4J, hobbyists can get immediate results without a significant investment in time or hardware.,解压密码
2021-08-02 09:17:59 18.51MB 英文