C++程序员案前必备 C++ Standard Library provides a set of common classes and interfaces that greatly extend the core C++ language. The library, however, is not self-explanatory. To make full use of its components-and to benefit from their power-you need a resource that does far more than list the classes and their functions. The C++ Standard Library not only provides comprehensive documentation of each library component, it also offers clearly written explanations of complex concepts, describes the practical programming details needed for effective use, and gives example after example of working code. This thoroughly up-to-date book reflects the newest elements of the C++ standard library incorporated into the full ANSI/ISO C++ language standard. In particular, the text focuses on the Standard Template Library (STL), examining containers, iterators, function objects, and STL algorithms. You will also find detailed coverage of special containers, strings, numerical classes, international……
IEEE Standard for SV 1800-2012
2023-03-08 15:44:03 6.66MB SV
《Overview and Introduction to the Fidelity Range Extensions》,该文的价值主要在于对H.264的第四个档次 high profile 做了介绍,前面的文章都没有涉及该档次。
2023-03-08 12:34:11 329KB Coding H.264AVC Video Introduction
802.3-2015 IEEE standard for Ethernet,include section1-6 in 1 PDF file
2023-03-02 11:38:58 53.2MB 802.3
Gen2_Protocol_Standard_EPC GEN2 中文版本国际标准是全英文版本,国家原版翻译,方便国内RFID行业、物联网行业专业人士运用。
2023-02-27 21:51:21 5.32MB 硬件描述语言标准
Interface with SN9P701_standard_v0.14.pdf
2023-02-23 06:12:16 224KB SN9P701的接法
2023-02-21 23:56:41 6.05MB 数据恢复工具
D-Recovery Standard是针对windows操作系统下FAT(12/16/32)/NTFS文件系统设计的一款数据恢复软件。它具备如下功能:1、 恢复分区表(由于病毒、一键恢复、误ghost、重新分区、误删除分区等原因造成分区丢失)。2、 恢复删除文件(Shift+Del 直接删除文件、清空回收站等彻底删除文件以后的数据恢复)。3、 分区格式化后的数据恢复(误格式化、多次格式化,这里指的是高级格式化)。4、 文件系统损坏后的数据恢复(由于病毒破坏、磁盘坏道、非正常关机等引起的文件系统参数错误、目录错误、Boot扇区错误提示格式化等)。5、 磁盘镜像功能(可以把磁盘镜像到新的磁盘,也可以把磁盘镜像成一个文件)
2023-02-21 23:53:45 5.14MB 数据恢复软件
The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java(1e,Addison Wesley,2011).pdf
2023-02-15 18:02:04 2.68MB java secure coding web