2022-03-14 21:34:30 358KB 信号调理
Book Description Learn how to harness the power of delta-sigma data converters Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters brings readers a clear understanding of the principles of delta-sigma (ΔΣ) converter operation—analog to digital and digital to analog. It introduces the best computer-aided analysis and design techniques available. With an understanding of the great versatility of the ΔΣ converter, readers can apply their new knowledge to a wide variety of applications, including digital telephony, digital audio, wireless and wired communications, medical electronics, and industrial and scientific instrumentation. The authors make the material accessible to all design engineers by focusing on developing an understanding of the physical operation rather than getting mired in complex mathematical treatments and derivations. Written for entry-level readers, the publication has a natural flow that begins with basic concepts, enabling the readers to develop a solid foundation for the book's more complex material. The text, therefore, starts with a general introduction to the ΔΣ converter, including a brief historical overview to place it in context. Next, the publication introduces the first-order ΔΣ modulator, covering oversampling, noise-shaping, decimation filtering and other key concepts. Then, using the first-order modulator as a foundation, second and higher-order modulators are presented and analyzed. Finally, the authors delve into implementation considerations and present several design examples using the Delta-Sigma Toolbox. Everything needed to facilitate quick comprehension and help readers apply their newly learned principles is provided: Simplified methods to understand complicated concepts such as spectral estimation and switched noise References that lead to in-depth analysis of specialized topics Figures and charts that illustrate complex design issues Conclusion section at the end of each chapter that highlights the key points Reference manual for the Delta-Sigma Toolbox, along with numerous practical examples that illustrate the use of the Toolbox This is essential reading for all design engineers who want to learn and fully harness the powerful capabilities of ΔΣ data converters. Upper-level undergraduates and graduate students will find the book's logical organization and clear style, coupled with numerous practical examples, a great entry into the field.
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一本不错关于Delta-Sigma转换器的书 Understanding Delta Sigma Data Converters
2022-03-02 20:37:46 8.87MB Delta-Sigma Converter 转换器
Garbor 滤波器提供了良好的时频定位,并已用于多种模式识别应用。 这在信号处理应用中很有用。
2022-02-18 18:06:05 2KB matlab
在学习生活中,我们经常性的发现有很多事物背后都有某种规律,而且,这种规律可能符合某种随机分布,比如:正态分布、对数正态分布、beta分布等等。 所以,了解某种分布对一些事物有更加深入的理解并能清楚的阐释事物的规律性。现在,用python产生一组随机数据,来演示这些分布: import random import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt SAMPLE_SIZE = 1000 buckets = 100 fig = plt.figure() matplotlib.rcParams.update({"font.size": 7}) #第
2022-02-18 17:17:29 81KB python sigma 分布
2022-02-13 09:36:06 5.73MB sigma-delta ADC
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(5)SIX SIGMA六标准差-田口方法与实验设计-.docx
2022-01-30 09:15:01 2.08MB word文档 管理类文档
O   引言   Sigma-Delta ADC是一种目前使用为普遍的高精度ADC结构,在精度达到16位以上的场合,Sigma-Delta是必选的结构。从原理上来说,它有点类似于游标卡尺。我们知道,游标卡尺上的刻度其实并没有0.02mm,但是我们却可以用它来测量到0.02mm的精度。是不是很神奇?原理就在于,主尺的刻度是1mm,副尺的刻度是0.98mm,测量过程中把1mm和0.98mm的差值不断累积,这个过程就是Delta-Sigma。1mm与0.98mm的差值就是Delta,不断累积,直至主副尺重合的过程就是Sigma。   Sigma-Delta ADC的运作过程,就是把待测信号Vin与参