ST BLE Profile_2.0.2最新版本APK, 2.0.2 / March 15, 2020 更新。The ST BLE Profile App is a companion tool to show in humanreadable form all notifications coming from Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) devices implementing peripheral profiles.
2021-12-13 17:40:20 1.88MB ST BLE Profile
The Rich Communication Services (RCS) Universal Profile 2.4 represents an update of globally shared RCS specifications. This Service Definition Document (SDD) lists all the User Stories and Feature Requirements, based on the Universal Profile 2.0 specification. The Universal Profile describes a single, global RCS implementation that will be deployed worldwide. The aim of this profile is to reduce the variation that exists today across various RCS profiles in order to simplify large-scale deployment. The Universal Profile is targeted at Operating System (OS) developers and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) for open market device implementations. The focus of requirements is on native device implementations implemented at the OS or device manufacturer level. It is acknowledged that downloadable applications may face limitations that prevent such implementations from fulfilling the complete feature set.
2021-11-29 09:02:23 2.35MB RCSUniversalPr RCSUP2.4 RCS通用2.4 RCS协议
Learning OpenGL(core Profile) in English Using GLFW and GLAD
2021-11-27 22:38:40 11.15MB OpenGL Core Profile GLFW
2021-11-26 11:56:41 56KB profile
mac 安装 omyzsh 后, terminal瞬间逼格飙升! 但是! terminal init的时候并不会执行~/.bash_profile、~/.bashrc等脚本了, 这是因为其默认启动执行脚本变为了~/.zshrc。 解决办法就是修改~/.zshrc文件,在其中添加: source ~/.bash_profile、~/.bashrc等脚本文件就ok了 以上所述是小编给大家介绍的mac 安装omyzsh后不执行~/.bash_profile、~/.bashrc的完美解决办法,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对软件开发网网站的
2021-11-25 16:22:19 34KB AS bash c
1.蓝牙源码目录 2.蓝牙框架结构 3.蓝牙关键log片段汇总 4.蓝牙按键事件处理流程 5.蓝牙a2dp连接流程 6.HFP_AT命令集 7.HCI协议数据分析 8.Bluetooth_hfp.ppt 9.avdtp数据分析 10.Audio_Speech debug 11.Audio Framework 13.A2DP流程和通话机制 14.蓝牙问题分析
2021-11-16 09:00:08 36.31MB 蓝牙
2021-11-11 17:09:47 21.62MB 蓝牙标准profile
2021-11-04 20:48:14 1.25MB 软件 测试 UML XMI
品优购 品优购项目源码,使用SSM + Dubbo + MQ + Maven Profile + Docker
2021-11-04 20:38:40 403.33MB 系统开源
Profile是Spring Boot 对不同环境下提供不同配置功能的支持
2021-11-01 18:07:11 148KB SpringBoot