三本机器人领域的著作,1 BRUNO Siciliano, Robotics Modeling,Planning and Control. 2 Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox, Probabilistic Robotics, The MIT Press, 2005. 3 Probabilistic Robotics中文对照版本
2021-11-08 19:07:37 77.98MB robotics
seir传染病模型模型Mathimal_Modelling_of_a_Infectious_Disease_Simulation 使一些传染病模型适合于课堂疾病流行模拟,即“握手”疾病。 “握手”疾病是一种模拟疾病,其中该疾病是通过握手传播的。 有关课堂活动的详细信息,请参见以下网页: 。 Anthony和我已经使用Javascript编写了此活动,HTML页面如下: 。 在这个项目中,我将使用ODE(普通微分方程)模型对握手疾病的进展进行建模。 特别是,根据“握手”游戏的性质,我将研究经典SIR模型和SEIR模型对疾病进展的描述程度,并探讨可能更适合他们的变种。 这涉及数学建模,ODE的数值求解以及使用MATLAB进行模型拟合。
2021-11-06 15:33:43 5.24MB 系统开源
This is a book introducing different kinds of surrogate model, including other mathematical knowledge to validate the accuracy of surrogates.It also contains methods about sampling. The book also explains related topic about surrogate based optimization.
2021-11-01 14:18:21 3.93MB surrogate optimization
自述文件,用于GEOS-Chem科学代码库 总览 该存储库( )包含GEOS-Chem科学代码库(又名GEOS-Chem化学模块)。 此存储库中包括: GEOS-Chem科学例程的源代码; 创建GEOS-Chem运行目录的脚本; 运行GEOS-Chem测试的脚本; 驱动程序例程(例如“ main.F90”)使GEOS-Chem可以在几种不同的上下文中运行,包括: GEOS-Chem“经典” (适合在单个节点上运行少于64个内核) GCHP (GEOS-Chem“高性能,可以跨多个节点运行以实现高可伸缩性) GEOS-GC (GEOS-Chem与NASA GEOS ESM耦合)
Using Excel for Business Analysis, Revised Edition provides practical guidance for anyone looking to build financial models. Whether for business proposals, opportunity evaluation, financial reports, or any other business finance application, this book shows you how to design, create, and test your model, then present your results effectively using Excel 2013. The book opens with a general guide to financial modelling, with each subsequent chapter building skill upon skill until you have a real, working model of your own. Financial tools, features, and functions are covered in detail from a practical perspective, and put in context with application to real–world examples. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of Excel modelling, including step–by–step instructions that walk you through each feature, and the companion website provides live model worksheets that give you the real hands–on practice you need to start doing your job faster, more efficiently, and with fewer errors. Financial modelling is an invaluable business tool, and Excel 2013 is capable of supporting the most common and useful models most businesses need. This book shows you how to dig deeper into Excel′s functionality to craft effective financial models and provide important information that informs good decision–making. Learn financial modelling techniques and best practice Master the formulas and functions that bring your model to life Apply stress testing and sensitivity analysis with advanced conditionals Present your results effectively, whether graphically, orally, or written A deceptively powerful application, Excel supports many hundreds of tools, features, and functions; Using Excel for Business Analysis eliminates the irrelevant to focus on those that are most useful to business finance users, with detailed guidance toward utilisation and best practice. ,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-10-24 18:12:38 68.98MB 英文
共视控制 Covid Control是一种免费且可评估的机器学习模型,可预测Covid19日案例(7天移动平均值)的未来数量。 使用LSTM和强化学习对非药物干预(NPI)进行量化。 利用机器学习挽救人类史无前例的全球健康能效新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)的生命,以帮助拉平曲线。 开发数据驱动的AI系统以预测感染率并制定区域政府,社区和组织可以实施的干预计划(IP)。 当国家重新开放经济和社会时,干预计划可以减少感染病例,最大程度地减少负面经济影响,并带来更好的结果。 动机:Covid19大流行React 3Blue1Brown的“指数增长和流行病” Covid19视频: 目标是开发一种机器学习模型,以预测未来全球Covid案例的数量: Part1预测器:LSTM长短期记忆预测器模型 使用LSTM长短期记忆以最高的准确性估算未来每天发生的COVID-19病例数,并开发了一种预测器模型
2021-10-18 21:13:45 24.65MB medical lstm lstm-model modelling
资料说明 统计数据分析的新版书,承接了《statistical shape analysis》的经典的又一力作。值得一读。 Statistics in Practice is an important international series of texts which provide detailed coverage of statistical concepts, methods and worked case studies in specific fields of investigation and study. With sound motivation and many worked practical examples, the books show in down-to-earth terms how to select and use an appropriate range of statistical techniques in a particular practical field within each title’s special topic area. The books provide statistical support for professionals and research workers across a range of employment fields and research environments. Subject areas covered include medicine and pharmaceutics; industry, finance and commerce; public services; the earth and environmental sciences, and so on. The books also provide support to students studying statistical courses applied to the above areas. The demand for graduates to be equipped for the work environment has led to such courses be……
2021-10-18 20:14:49 7.21MB 电子书籍 统计数据分析的新版书
知识领域解释 该软件使用 Kauffman 的 NK 自动机模拟生命细胞遗传调控。 N 代表细胞具有的基因数量。 K 代表每个基因行为所依赖的基因数量。 在这个模型中,基因大致是一个布尔变量,可以是真或假(基因可以处于状态:主动或被动)。 所有基因在特定离散时刻的状态都是细胞状态。 该模型描述了活细胞调节机制,即基因的相互作用如何定义细胞状态的序列。 ExplanationPictures 文件夹包含支持以下文本的图像。 一个活细胞中有许多细胞器。 但我们对细胞核(部分与线粒体)感兴趣 细胞核中漂浮着染色体 染色体由基因组成。 它们调节细胞。 但他们并不是孤立的。 它们在大规模范围内相互作用。 有时有一些孤立的基因亚群,它们只与亚群中的基因相互作用。 基因是基因组的一个功能单位。 它可以做某事并被激活 (1) 或什么都不做并被停用 (0)。 它可以挖也可以不挖,但不能两者都挖
2021-09-28 15:59:47 2.43MB JavaScript
FACTS.Modelling.and.Simulation.in.Power.Networks.John.Wiley.and.Sons 柔性AC输电的建模与仿真.
2021-09-27 22:05:56 4.8MB FACTS Modelling Simulation Power
2021-09-22 15:31:35 4.36MB 英文电机资料 高性能电机控制