pentesterlab的From SQL Injection to Shell模块学习经验
2021-02-26 11:37:57 140KB pentesterlab
strace as a fault injection tool
2021-02-26 09:01:16 351KB strace linux
TacitusLogger.DI.MicrosoftDI Microsoft依赖项注入容器的扩展,可帮助将TacitusLogger配置和添加为单例。 依存关系: NET标准> = 1.3 Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection> = 1.0.0 TacitusLogger> = 0.3.0 注意: TacitusLogger.DI.MicrosoftDI当前处于Alpha阶段。 这意味着您不应在任何生产代码中使用它。 安装 NuGet: PM > Install-Package TacitusLogger.DI.MicrosoftDI 例子 在DI容器中注册记录仪 IServiceCollection serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection (); // Registering Tacit
TwitterX:通过代码注入使Twitter for macOS保持活力
2021-02-03 01:06:51 868KB macos twitter reverse-engineering injection
1.布利斯基 Blisqy是一种工具,可以帮助Web安全研究人员在HTTP标头上找到基于时间的盲SQL注入,并利用该漏洞。 该漏洞利用对可打印ASCII字符的按位操作(通过盲SQL注入)实现了从数据库(目前仅支持MySQL / MariaDB)缓慢的数据虹吸。 为了与其他Python工具互操作,并使其他用户能够使用Blisqy中提供的功能,可以将此处的模块导入其他基于Python的脚本中。 在测试基于时间的盲SQL注入时,任何网络延迟或拥塞都可能影响您的模糊测试或漏洞利用的有效性。 为了补偿可能导致延迟的网络延迟和不确定性,Blisqy时间比较是动态的,并且在运行时针对每个测试进行计算。 该测试利用greenlet ( greenlet合作调度执行单元)在libevevent循环之上提供了高级同步API。 它提供了一种在短时间内执行有效负载测试的快速有效的方法,而且,一个特定的测试不应影响另一个,因为它们不能以顺序方法完全完成。 1.1。 新的功能) Blisqy现在支持对HTTP标头上的基于时间的盲SQL注入进行模糊测试,并且将主要功能(模糊测试和利用)分离到独立文件中以实现
2021-01-30 23:04:53 14KB sql sql-injection exploitation appsec
Azure功能样板 这是开始使用Azure Functions v3和依赖注入的快速样板。 目标 依赖注入所有事情 不再需要AccessKey和ConnectionString 智能配置/选项(以代码配置) 更好的取消支持(正常关机) 更容易的部署模板(CI / CD) 执照 该项目已获得
在CSDN上没有找到,所以将别处下载的上传过来,必须免费分享! 包括两个程序,代码尚未调试,希望有所借鉴。 代码仅供学习交流,切勿行危害安全之事,务必遵守法律法规!
2019-12-21 22:18:01 279KB SQL注入 injection 漏洞检测 扫描工具
Summary Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns teaches you to use DI to reduce hard-coded dependencies between application components. You'll start by learning what DI is and what types of applications will benefit from it. Then, you'll work through concrete scenarios using C# and the .NET framework to implement DI in your own projects. As you dive into the thoroughly-explained examples, you'll develop a foundation you can apply to any of the many DI libraries for .NET and .NET Core. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Dependency Injection (DI) is a great way to reduce tight coupling between software components. Instead of hard-coding dependencies, such as specifying a database driver, you make those connections through a third party. Central to application frameworks like ASP.NET Core, DI enables you to better manage changes and other complexity in your software. About the Book Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns is a revised and expanded edition of the bestselling classic Dependency Injection in .NET. It teaches you DI from the ground up, featuring relevant examples, patterns, and anti-patterns for creating loosely coupled, well-structured applications. The well-annotated code and diagrams use C# examples to illustrate principles that work flawlessly with modern object-oriented languages and DI libraries. What's Inside Refactoring existing code into loosely coupled code DI techniques that work with statically typed OO languages Integration with common .NET frameworks Updated examples illustrating DI in .NET Core About the Reader For intermediate OO developers. About the Authors Mark Seemann is a programmer, software architect, and speaker who has been working with software since 1995, including six years with Microsoft. Steven van Deursen is a seasoned .NET developer and architect, and the author and maintainer of the Simple Inject
2019-12-21 18:47:55 13.98MB Depend