MT6236 GSM GPRS EDGE Baseband Processor Data Sheet_v1.08。MT6236的基带芯片的文档。
2022-12-26 23:26:14 17.14MB MT6236文档
1. System Overview The MT6218B is a highly integrated single chip solution for GSM/GPRS phone. Based on 32 -bit ARM7EJ-STM RISC processor, MT6218B features not only high performance GPRS Class 12 MODEM but is also designed with support for the wireless multi-media applications, such as advanced display engine, hardware JPEG decoder, synthesis audio with 64-tone polyphony, digital audio playback, Java acceleration, MMS and etc. Additionally, MT6218B provides varieties of advanced interfaces for functionality extensions, like 8-port external memory interface, 3-port 8-bit parallel interface, NAND Flash, IrDA, USB and MMC/SD/MS/MS Pro. The typical application can be shown as Figure 1.
2022-12-26 23:24:39 3.43MB MT6218B GSM/GPRS Baseband Processor
1. System Overview The MT6205B is a highly integrated baseband processor optimized specially for multi-media enabled GSM terminal. Combining the 32-bit ARM7TDMITM RISC processor core, proprietary low-power digital signal processor, user interface, radio control, audio codec, baseband codec, and other GSM specific analog and digital hardware, the MT6205B completes the best single-chip solution for GSM phone with multi-media function. The typical application can be shown as Figure 1.
2022-12-26 23:23:19 2.74MB MT6205B GSM Baseband Processor
客专GSM-R应用系统原理方案设计 一 GSM-R的业务模型 GSM- R是专门为铁路通信设计的综合专用数字移动通信系统,它基于GSM的基础设施及其提供 的ASCI(先进语音呼叫业务),其中包括eMLPP(增强多优级与强拆)、VGCS(语音组呼 )和VBS(语音广播),并提供铁路特有的调度业务,包括:功能寻址、功能号表示、接 入矩阵和基于位置的寻址;并以此作为信息化平台,使铁路部门用户可以在此平台上开 发各种铁路应用。图1-1为GSM-R系统的业务模型层次结构图,因此,GSM- R的业务模型可以概括为: GSM-R业务=GSM业务+语音调度业务+铁路应用 "调度通信 " "列车自动控制 "平面调车 " "远程控制 "轨道维护 " "铁路紧急通信 " "高速数字通信 " "尾部风压检测 " "区间移动通信 " "旅客业务 " 图1-1 GSM-R系统业务模型示意图 二 GSM-R在铁路中的应用 2.1 调度通信 调度通信系统业务包括列车调度通信、货运调度通信、牵引变电调度通信、其他调度及 专业通信、站场通信、应急通信、施工养护通信和道口通信等。 利用GSM- R进行调度通信系统组网,既可
2022-12-26 19:16:21 156KB 文档资料
2022-12-17 11:04:40 459KB 通信
----------------------- GSM主叫流程图全文共1页,当前为第1页。
2022-12-16 17:14:21 108KB 文档资料
GSM呼叫流程 1. MS作主叫: MOBILE STATION NETWORK Channel Request (信道请求) RR connection Immediate Assignment (立即分配指令) establishment(MO) CM Service Request (业务请求) Service request Authentication Request (鉴权请求) Authentication Authentication Response(鉴权响应) Cipher Mode Command (置密模式指令) Ciphering mode seting Cipher Mode Complete(置密模式完成) Setup Call initiation Call Proceeding(呼叫开始指令) Assignment Command (信道指配指令) Assignment of Assignment Complete(信道指配完成) a traffic channel Alerting(回铃音) User alerting Connect (连接指令)
2022-12-16 13:14:02 59KB 文档资料
GSM 软件流程图 Visio 画,visio 直接打开修改
2022-12-16 13:14:01 148KB 文档资料
GSM软件流程图 Visio画,visio直接打开修改 ----------------------- GSM软件流程图全文共1页,当前为第1页。
2022-12-16 09:15:28 82KB 文档资料
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2022-12-13 15:06:28 14.86MB PDU GSM WaveCom SMS