2021-12-07 13:35:15 855KB ARM Cortex M0
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2021-11-27 15:19:16 157KB 无没有
2.2 基本遗传算法 基本遗传算法(也称标准遗传算法或简单遗传算法,Simple Genetic Algorithm,SGA) 是一 种群体型操作,该操作以群体中的所有个体为对象,只使用基本遗传算子(Genetic Operator): 选择算子(Selection Operator)、交叉算子(Crossover Operator)和变异算子(Mutation Operator),其 遗传进化操作过程简单,容易理解,是其它一些遗传算法的基础,它不仅给各种遗传算法提供 了一个基本框架,同时也具有一定的应用价值。选择、交叉和变异是遗传算法 3 个主要操作算 子,它们构成了所谓的遗传操作,使遗传算法具有了其它传统方法没有的特点。 2.2.1 基本遗传算法的数学模型 基本遗传算法可表示为: ),,,,,,,( 0 TΦMPECSGA = (2.1) 式中:C ——个体的编码方法; E ——个体适应度评价函数; 0 P ——初始种群; M ——种群大小; Φ——选择算子; ——交叉算子;  ——变异算子; T ——遗传运算终止条件。 图 2.3 为基本遗传算法的流程图。 2.2.2 基本遗传算法的步骤 1.染色体编码与解码 基本遗传算法使用固定长度的二进制符号串来表示群体中的个体,其等位基因是由二值 {0,1}所组成。初始群体中各个个体的基因可用均匀分布的随机数来生成。例如: X=100111001000101101 就可表示一个个体,该个体的染色体长度是 n=18。 编码和初始种群的生成 种群中个体适应度的检测评估 选择 交叉 变异 图 2.3 遗传算法的基本流程图
2021-11-22 22:15:45 3.89MB MATLAB 遗传算法 极致清晰
用于 Demorad 的 Phased Array System Toolbox(TM) 插件支持 MATLAB(R) 和 Analog Devices(R) Demorad 雷达传感器平台之间的通信。 该附加组件使用户能够配置由 Demorad 传输的 FMCW 波形,并收集来自这些啁啾声的反射以直接在 MATLAB(R) 中进行处理。
2021-11-15 20:47:53 992KB matlab
The new Springer book, Advances in Memristors, Memristive Devices and Systems, consists of 20 contributed chapters by subject experts who are specialized in the various topics addressed in this book. The special chapters have been brought out in this book after a rigorous review process in the broad areas of modeling and applications of memristors, memristive devices and systems. Special importance was given to chapters offering practical solutions and novel methods for the recent research problems in the modeling and applications of memristors, memristive devices and systems. This book discusses trends and applications of memristors and memristive devices in engineering.
2021-11-14 12:21:19 26.4MB 忆阻器
2021-11-11 13:56:35 112B 计算机科学
This is the fifth edition of a one-of-a-kind engineering reference book covering the past, present, and future of mechanisms and mechanical devices. It includes clear illustrations and straightforward descriptions of specific subjects rather than the theory and mathematics found in most engineering textbooks. You will find that this book contains hundreds of detailed line drawings that will hold your interest regardless of your background in mechanical engineering. The text accompanying the illustrations is intended to help you to understand the basic concepts of subjects that may or may not be familiar to you. You will find drawings and illustrations that are simply interesting and informative and perhaps others that could spur your creativity and prompt you to recycle them into your new designs or redesigns. They may offer solutions you had not previously considered because they were not visible inside contemporary products unless the product is disassembled. Solid state electronics and computer circuitry have displaced many earlier mechanical solutions, no doubt improving product reliability and efficiency while reducing their price. Nevertheless, many of those displaced mechanical components have lives of their own and may very well turn up in other products in different form performing different functions after undergoing dimensional and material transformations. Classical, proven mechanisms and mechanical devices may seem to disappear only to reappear in other forms and applications. Anyone who believes that all mechanisms will be replaced by electronics need only examine the sophistication of the latest self-winding mechanical watches, digital cameras, gyro-stabilized vehicles, and navigational systems. This book illustrates the ongoing importance of classical mechanical devices as well as the latest mechatronic devices formed by the merger between mechanics and electronics. It is a must addition to your personal technical library, and it offers you a satisfy
2021-11-10 20:08:49 28.4MB Mechanisms and Mechanical
2021-11-10 11:54:24 881KB Android Devices ID ID
2021-11-01 17:03:49 104.61MB 模电 电子技术
The Standard, Guidance, Option, and Support material providing the transportation professional with the information needed to make appropriate decisions regarding the use of traffic control devices on streets and highways.
2021-10-31 21:08:11 10.97MB MUTCD Streets and Highways