Machine Learning Design Patterns
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《introduction to Design Patterns in C++ and Qt》配套源码,对于理解qt,设计模式很有帮助
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Software Architecture Design Patterns in Java
2021-12-30 09:22:55 1.94MB 设计模式
在Java的软件架构设计模式(Software Architecture Design Patterns in Java)书中的所有代码分章节给出,适合学习借鉴。
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讲述常用的设计模式 对于开发者很用帮助
2021-12-23 16:18:27 41.91MB 设计模式
《Head First Design Patterns》编辑推荐:强大的写作阵容。《Head First Design Patterns》作者Eric Freeman;ElElisabeth Freeman是作家、讲师和技术顾问。Eric拥有耶鲁大学的计算机科学博士学位,E1isabath拥有耶鲁大学的计算机科学硕士学位。Kathy Sierra FHBert Bates是畅销的HeadFirst系列书籍的创立者,也是Sun公司Java开发员认证考试的开发者。《Head First设计模式(中文版)》的产品设计应用神经生物学、认知科学,以及学习理论,这使得此书能够将这些知识深深地印在你的脑海里,不容易被遗忘。《Head First Design Patterns》的编写方式采用引导式教学,不直接告诉你该怎么做,而是利用故事当作引子,带领读者思考并想办法解决问题。解决问题的过程中又会产生一些新的问题,再继续思考、继续解决问题,这样可以加深体会。作者以大量的生活化故事当背景,例如第1章是鸭子,第2章是气象站,第3章是咖啡店,书中搭配大量的插图(几乎每一页都有图),所以阅读起来生动有趣,不会感觉到昏昏欲睡。作者还利用歪歪斜斜的手写字体,增加“现场感”。精心设计许多爆笑的对白,让学习过程不会太枯燥。还有模式告白节目,将设计模式拟人化成节目来宾,畅谈其内在的一切。 《Head First Design Patterns》大量采用uML的class Diagram(Static Structure Diagram)。书中的例子程序虽然都是用JaVa编写,但是《Head First Design Patterns》所介绍的内容对于任何00语言的用户都适用,包括c++和c孝。每一章都有数目不等的测验题。每章最后有一页要点整理,这也是精华所在,我都是利用这一页做复习。 《Head First Design Patterns》共有14章,每章都介绍了几个设计模式,完整地涵盖了四人组版本全部23个设计模式。前言先介绍《Head First Design Patterns》的用法;第1章到第11章陆续介绍的设计模式为Strategy、Observer、Decorator、Abstract Factory、Factory Method、Singleton,Command、Adapter、Facade、TemplateMethod、Iterator、Composite、State、Proxy。最后三章比较特别。第12章介绍如何将两个以上的设计模式结合起来成为新的设计模式(例如著名的MVC模式),作者称其为复合设计模式(这是作者自创的名称,并非四人组的标准名词),第13章介绍如何进一步学习设计模式,如何发觉新的设计模式等主题,至于第14章则很快地浏览尚未介绍的设计模式,包括Bridge、Builder、Chain of Responsibility、Flyweight、Interpreter、Mediator、Memento、Prototype,Visitor。第1章还介绍了四个○○基本概念(抽象、封装、继承、多态),而第1章到第9章也陆续介绍了九个○○原则(Principle)。千万不要轻视这些○○原则,因为每个设计模式背后都包含了几个○○原则的概念。很多时候,在设计时有两难的情况,这时候我们必须回归到○○原则,以方便判断取舍。可以这么说:○○原则是我们的目标,而设计模式是我们的做法。
2021-12-20 16:57:05 39.31MB Head First Design Patterns
Real-Time Design Patterns: Robust Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Systems By Bruce Powel Douglass Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : September 27, 2002 ISBN : 0-201-69956-7 Pages : 528 When creating real-time and embedded (RTE) systems, there is no room for error. The nature of the final product demands that systems be powerful, efficient, and highly reliable. The constraints of processor and memory resources add to this challenge. Sophisticated developers rely on design patterns—proven solutions to recurrent design challenges—for building fail-safe RTE systems. Real-Time Design Patterns is the foremost reference for developers seeking to employ this powerful technique. The text begins with a review of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation and semantics then introduces the Rapid Object-Oriented Process for Embedded Systems (ROPES) process and its key technologies. A catalog of design patterns and their applications follows. Key topics covered in this book include: Identifying large-scale strategic decisions that affect most software elements Coordinating and organizing system components and subsystems Managing memory and resources Defining how objects can be distributed across multiple systems Building safe and reliable architectures Mapping subsystem and component architectures to underlying hardware The book's extensive problem-solving templates, which draw on the author's years in the trenches, will help readers find faster, easier, and more effective design solutions. The accompanying CD-ROM (Examples link) contains: Related papers Object Management Group (OMG) specifications Rhapsody(TM)—a UML-compliant design automation tool that captures the analysis and design of systems and generates full behavioral code with intrinsic model-level debug capabilities RapidRMA(TM)—a tool that integrates with Rhapsody(TM) to perform schedulability and timeliness analysis of UML models
2021-12-04 15:26:04 5.76MB Design Patterns Real-Time
Head First Design Patterns设计模式 带目录 600页全
2021-12-02 12:09:59 38.14MB 设计模式
Design Patterns 设计模式 东北大学软件学院 宋杰