Calafiore G,CampiMC.Uncertainconvexprograms:randomizedsolutionsand confidence levels.MathematicalProgramming2005;102(1):25–46.
2022-03-01 13:51:57 205KB robust
Non-Convex Mesh Collider Automatic Generator v1
2022-02-24 02:29:20 4.75MB unity插件
Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms I Fundamentals Authors: Hiriart-Urruty, Jean-Baptiste, Lemarechal, Claude Convex Analysis may be considered as a refinement of standard calculus, with equalities and approximations replaced by inequalities. As such, it can easily be integrated into a graduate study curriculum. Minimization algorithms, more specifically those adapted to non-differentiable functions, provide an immediate application of convex analysis to various fields related to optimization and operations research. These two topics making up the title of the book, reflect the two origins of the authors, who belong respectively to the academic world and to that of applications. Part I can be used as an introductory textbook (as a basis for courses, or for self-study); Part II continues this at a higher technical level and is addressed more to specialists, collecting results that so far have not appeared in books.
2022-02-21 12:57:16 35.1MB Convex Analysis
Nonlinear Programming 3rd Edition Theoretical Solutions Manual Chapter 1
2022-01-16 09:00:33 183KB convex optim
MIT DIMITRI BERTSEKAS教授的Convex Optimization Theory 课程PPT,教材详细摘要和教材习题解答等。
2022-01-11 20:54:48 4.4MB Convex Optimization Theory solutions
Convex Optimization 凸优化经典
2022-01-08 15:30:36 5.53MB Convex Optimization
Convex Analysis and Optimization 作者: Dimitri Bertsekas 扫描版
2022-01-07 11:19:36 40.31MB Convex Analysis
Convex Optimization,Stephen Boyd / Lieven Vandenberghe / 王书宁 / 许鋆 / 黄晓霖 / 清华大学出版社 / 2013-1 / 。 《信息技术和电气工程学科国际知名教材中译本系列:凸优化》内容非常丰富。
2021-12-31 17:10:36 1.76MB 凸优化
本文件是Stephen Boyd的著作《convex optimization》的课后答案,除了编程题外其他题目的答案都有,各位对凸优化和机器学习感兴趣的小伙伴可以下载来作为学习资料。
2021-12-26 23:22:29 1.74MB 人工智能 凸优化 机器学习
convex optimization中、英文双版 凸优化convex optimization Stephen Boyd Lieven Vandenberghe著 王书宁等译,电子扫描版
2021-12-23 01:04:44 52.82MB convex optim 凸优化