使用Microsoft Visual C# 实现与TWINCAT PLC control变量的通讯
2023-11-15 16:50:19 1.1MB
TSID-任务空间逆动力学 TSID是一个C ++库,用于基于刚性多体动力学库基于优化的逆动力学控制。 文献资料 查看项目 ,以获取库设计的概述。 在演习文件夹中,您可以找到有关如何在带有机械手,类人动物或四足动物的Python中使用TSID的几个示例。 在的您可以找到TSID上的幻灯片和视频课程。 使用Robotpkg从Debian / Ubuntu软件包安装 如果您从未添加过robotpkg的软件存储库,则可以使用以下命令进行操作: sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/robotpkg.list <<EOF deb [arch=amd64] http://robotpkg.openrobots.org/packages/debian/pub $(lsb_release -sc) robotpkg EOF curl http://robotpkg.
2023-10-30 22:19:40 7.77MB control robotics optimization humanoids
MBAXP Modbus ActiveX Control MBAXP is a powerful and simple to use Modbus ActiveX control that allows Visual Basic, Excel and other OLE Container applications to quickly and easily access data from a Modbus slave device connected to the PC. MBAXP supports both RTU, ASCII modes and TCP/IP connections. The communication in each instance of MBAXP runs in its own thread. That means: Your program does not stop responding while waiting for Modbus transactions to finish. You can communicate with multiple ports simultaneously. See the Quick Start Guide. MBAXP Technical Facts and Features: RTU Mode. ASCII Mode. Modbus TCP/IP. Multi-threaded for high data throughput. Sample applications included. No runtime fees. Easy control of RS-485 converters with RTS toggle. Data types supported: Integer, Long, Float and Double. Handles multiple ports. One instance per port. Event driven. You get an event whenever a transaction has finished. Broadcast (slave ID 0). Enron Modbus SUPPORTED MODBUS FUNCTIONS: 01: Read coil status 02: Read input status 03: Read holding register 04: Read input registers 05: Force single coil 06: Preset single register 15: Force multiple coils 16: Preset multiple registers 23: Read/Write registers
2023-10-30 19:34:34 24KB Modbus
DameWare Mini Remote Control 破解版(32位和64位)是一套功能强大的Windows NT 远程控制软件。在 NT 核心操作系统中无须安装服务端,试用后觉得是网管的好帮手,
2023-10-29 21:46:42 44.26MB DameWare.
离散控制Matlab代码章鱼启发的连续体机器人的轨迹跟踪控制 该存储库包含与以下研究论文相关的Matlab代码: @article {lafmejani2020kinematic,title = {章鱼启发的超冗余机器人的运动学建模和轨迹跟踪控制},作者= {Lafmejani,Amir Salimi和Doroudchi,Azadeh和Farivarnejad,Hamed和He,Ximin和Aukes,Daniel和Peetet ,Matthew M和Marvi,Hamidreza和Fisher,Rebecca E和Berman,Spring},journal = {IEEE机器人与自动化快报},卷= {5},数字= {2},页= {3460--3467},年份= {2020},发布者= {IEEE}} 该项目旨在解决章鱼手臂启发的连续机器人的运动学建模和控制问题。 我们提出了一个离散的多段模型,其中每个段是一个6自由度Gough-Stewart并行平台。 我们的模型是新颖的,因为它可以重现章鱼手臂的所有一般运动,包括伸长,缩短,弯曲,尤其是扭曲(通常不包括在此类模型中),同时还能增强
2023-10-18 17:07:47 50.05MB 系统开源
This is math book. It is for student who study calculus
2023-10-17 11:34:58 2.92MB calculus
Windows Mixer Control in C#
2023-10-15 05:04:44 38KB voice
2023-10-12 14:50:33 3.85MB robust control KeminZhou
the ground book for assembly language programming in Linux Enviroment
2023-09-23 17:08:07 1.32MB Assembly in Linux
Microsoft BarCode Control 16.0 - 微软条形码二维码控件 提取Office2016的文件,不支持XP系统 该控件支持Office2003/2010/2016等版本 二维码是“QR Code”样式属性
2023-09-09 23:11:10 506KB microsoft