2021-08-06 22:14:54 31KB 平衡二叉树 数据结构与算法 java avl
AVL Exite PU 模态缩减 Nastran文件
2021-06-28 15:21:20 15.89MB NASTRAN
2021-06-13 16:01:56 13.42MB 7.AVLTRANSMISS AVL变速箱
8. AVL:48V轻度混合动力系统-GaN系统
2021-06-13 16:01:56 1.79MB AVL:48V轻度混合动力系统 GaN系统
12. AVL-48V混合动力系统效率和成本优化
2021-06-13 16:01:54 7.99MB 12.AVL-48V混合动力系
13. AVL's Future Hybrid X Mode
2021-06-13 16:01:54 5.65MB 13.AVL'sFuture
14. AVL-为48V量身定制的发动机和动力系统.
2021-06-13 16:01:54 7.03MB 14.AVL-为48V量身定制
AVL e-Fusion 动力总成
2021-06-13 12:01:49 6.6MB AVLe-Fusion动力总
AVL和红黑树性能对比,有详细的测试数据。AVL和红黑树都是平衡树。 Binary search tree (BST) based data structures, such as AVL trees, red-black trees, and splay trees, are often used in system software, such as operating system kernels. Choosing the right kind of tree can impact performance significantly, but the literature offers few empirical studies for guidance. We compare 20 BST variants using three experiments in real-world scenarios with real and artificial workloads. The results indicate that when input is expected to be randomly ordered with occasional runs of sorted order, red-black trees are preferred; when insertions often occur in sorted order, AVL trees excel for later random access, whereas splay trees perform best for later sequential or clustered access. For node representations, use of parent pointers is shown to be the fastest choice, with threaded nodes a close second choice that saves memory; nodes without parent pointers or threads suffer when traversal and modification are combined; maintaining a in-order doubly linked list is advantageous when traversal is very common; and right-threaded nodes perform poorly.
2021-05-30 15:37:50 309KB AVL 红黑树