LP Wizard 7.02 完美版本, 生成用于allegro 16.2的焊盘时, 回出现个小错误
2021-11-21 23:02:35 4.33MB LP Wizard 7.02 完美版本
IPC-7351 LP Wizard 10.2.part1 ,需要和IPC-7351 LP Wizard 10.2.part2一起,包括原安装文件和破解文件,破解见crack.txt
2021-11-19 15:57:42 40MB IPC-7351 Wizard10.2 part1 破解
IPC-7351 LP Wizard 10.2.part2和IPC-7351 LP Wizard 10.2.part1一起,包括原安装程序和破解文件
2021-11-19 15:55:14 27.04MB IPC-7351 Wizard10.2 part2 破解
This chapter introduces the Clocking Wizard core and provides related information, including recommended design experience, additional resources, technical support, and ways of submitting feedback to Xilinx. The Clocking Wizard core generates source register transfer level (RTL) code to implement a clocking network matched to your requirements. Both Verilog and VHDL design environments are supported
2021-11-09 18:09:54 3.56MB IP ClockingWizard
MFC Aero Wizard 半透明玻璃效果 win7 Aero界面
2021-11-08 19:34:26 32KB MFC Aero Wizard
破解方法见内部ReadMe.txt. 破解方法: 1.先装软件,安装到默认路径,不安装license。 2.拷贝MentorKg.exe到C盘根目录 3.打开命令窗口。开始->运行-> CMD ->回车 4.输入命令 CD \ 回车 5.输入命令 MentorKG -patch C:\MentorGraphics\10.3.2LPW 注意patch 为小写
2021-10-22 10:22:46 88.37MB PCB封装绘制
2021-10-18 22:02:29 86.86MB LPWizard10.5
AutoCAD .NET Addin Wizard 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 AutoCAD .NET Wizards for AutoCAD 2017 for Visual Studio 2015 -----AutoCAD 2017 DotNet Wizards (zip - 249Kb) AutoCAD .NET Wizards for AutoCAD 2015-2016 for Visual Studio 2012 -----AutoCAD 2015-2016 DotNet Wizards (zip - 557Kb) AutoCAD .NET Wizards for AutoCAD 2014 for Visual Studio 2012 -----AutoCAD 2014 DotNet Wizards (zip - 357Kb) AutoCAD .NET Wizards for AutoCAD 2013 for Visual Studio 2010 -----AutoCAD 2013 DotNet Wizards (zip - 486Kb) AutoCAD .NET Wizards for AutoCAD 2010-2012 -----AutoCAD 2010-2012 DotNet Wizards (zip - 6866Kb)
2021-10-05 16:51:22 8.34MB AutoCAD .NET Addin Wizard
vilar wizard
2021-10-03 21:10:38 16.29MB vilar wizard
ionCube 是一款非常优秀的加密软件,功能非常强大,由法国一家公司研发推出。oader-wizard.php 则是一个解密扩展安装引导脚本,方便大家快速安装对ionCube 解密的支持。
2021-09-28 12:10:42 180KB ionCube  ionCube 解密