资源包包含以下任务: •VFX 变形:对应用于 Morgan 上特效进行变形处理。 • 形状变形:对女性和男性形状之间的基础蒙皮网格进行变形。 • 外观调整:Morgan 视觉外观的其他要素,包括粒子与网格的紧密程度。 • 火:额外增加了一层强度。 • 破碎:提供了几种方法使 Morgan 分解成碎片。 • 调试:每个功能都有调试选项。
2021-05-14 15:24:05 309.58MB Morgan VFXGraph
粒子系统 [插件]Epic Toon VFX 1.0.4最新版 _rpg特效_卡通_低性能_高质量粒子特效,链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1OPhHNAdpBXikzXXxQzQXwg,购买之前请先确认链接可用,文件里是链接密码。资源仅供大家学习交流,下载的文件很小,是因为这是网盘的资源链接的密码,资源在网盘中,请大家确认链接有效后,放心下载。
2021-05-07 10:37:58 4B unity 粒子特效 卡通 低性能
The Ultimate VFX Construction Kit: Create realistic fire, smoke, lightning, raging storms, shockwaves, and more!! NOTE: SRPs are not supported. This asset works with the default 2D/3D modes. ▲ × ❰❰ TUTORIALS ❱❱ × ▲ × ❰❰ DEMOS + DOCUMENTATION ❱❱ × For previews, support, suggestions, and general discussion for this asset, check out the official Unity forum support thread! ▲ × ❰❰ FORUM SUPPORT THREAD ❱❱ × ● Suitable for both 2D and 3D games. While containing a MASSIVE number of effects unique ONLY to this package, Ultimate VFX also includes... - Action VFX - Storm VFX - Particle Force Fields - Particle Plexus - Advanced Particle Scaler - Particle Twister Also featuring: ▲ 300+ Prefabs - a massive collection of unique Shuriken particle system prefabs with varying levels of layered complexity to create amazing visual effects. ▲ 200+ (over 600MB) of Textures - want to create your own ultra high quality effects for next-gen platforms and resolutions? Dive into this monstrous arsenal of sprites and spritesheets and make your own! ▲ XP Titles - a new, experimental expansion with prefabs suitable for title screens, game menus, credit rolls, etc. - Titles GIF #1 ▲ XP Shockwaves - currently in its early stages, this expansion delivers epic hits and impacts into your game with incredible detail and colour! ▲ Exclusive Interactive Demos - see just how Ultimate VFX can bring your project to the next level with these fully sourced demo packages. - Game Demo GIF #1 - Fireworks Demo GIF #1 ▲ MIR-2II Shader Pack - most of the particle effects included use the default Unity particle shaders. Sometimes, that's not good enough. Ultimate VFX ships with several additional shaders to drive your visual design above and beyond with distortion, intersect highlighting, masking, and more. Check out the animated GIFs below: - Force Affector GIF #1 - Force Affector GIF #2 - Force Affector GIF #3 - Force Affector GIF #4 Best of all, it's constantly
2021-04-14 10:06:05 67B Ultimate VFX
该资源包含 35 个特效预制件。 每个特效都很独特! 支持 URP 和 HDRP。 支持 PC/游戏主机/移动端/网页/VR。
2021-04-08 17:04:07 20.3MB unity particle Fantastic Cartoon
Imagy VFX! 该资源包括: - 18 种独特的超炫特效; - 以简单的能力系统为例演示场景; - URP、HDRP、LWRP 支持。(无失真效果) 如要升级到 HDRP / URP,需要使用 RenderPipeline->UpgradeMaterials 或 HDRP/URP 路径(从 Unity 2019.3.15 起) ShadowHole 特效中的地面孔洞在 HDRP 不支持。 可以使用 Amplify Shader Editor 编辑所有着色器。
2021-04-08 17:04:06 71.39MB unity particle Imagy VFX
2021-02-26 14:03:50 147B Unity Houdini VFX 流体
2021-02-21 19:06:33 76B unity HDRP VFX
Unity Azurekinect VFXPointCloundDemo 粒子效果
2021-01-28 04:51:04 109KB Azure
Unity3D 水特效插件 WATER BLOOD MEGABundle 02 331 VFX v3.1 2017.3以上可用
2019-12-21 19:48:25 41.32MB 水  特效 Unity3