此为EXE版本,直接安装使用。 unidac是一个功能强大的支持多数据库的引擎,可以安装在Delphi, Delphi for .NET, and C++Builder 。unidac的目的是帮助程序员更快的开发跨数据库应用软件。 unidac是一个完整的标准数据库连接解决方案,可以支持 Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, 和 Firebird。unidac的技术亮点:支持最流行的数据库;全力支持最新的服务器版本;支持最新的IDE版本的VCL和vcl.net两个版本;高性能。
2021-12-03 22:27:43 98.6MB UniDAC Database Delphi
unidac8.25for XE10.4, Xe10.4,XE10.4.1 亲测都可用。 unidac是一个功能强大的支持多数据库的引擎,可以安装在Delphi, Delphi for .NET, and C++Builder 。unidac的目的是帮助程序员更快的开发跨数据库应用软件。 unidac是一个完整的标准数据库连接解决方案,可以支持 Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, 和 Firebird。 unidac的技术亮
2021-11-26 12:54:31 98.57MB unidac 数据库 xe10.4
环境:Delphi XE2 控件:UniDAC(仅使用此了一种三方控件) 附件:SQLite3.dll 功能: 1.用纯脚本创建一个带密码的SQLite3数据库(默认文件名db.db,密码123) 2.用纯脚本创建一个表,并打开,可在Dbgrid中修改 3.修改SQLite3数据库的密码 备注:在不替换SQLite3.dll的前提下,本程序生成的带密码的db.db文件可以用SQLiteExpert_3.4.34.2256打开,如换作其它SQLite3.dll这个文件,则不保证,但换了别的SQLite3.dll本程序依然可用,只有的SQLite3.dll支持改密码有的不支持.
2021-11-23 11:09:57 3.26MB Delphi XE2 SQLite 密码
Unidac 8.4.3 d27 pro
2021-11-09 17:12:17 101.86MB Unidac
2021-10-20 23:26:54 1.01MB delphi unidac sqlite 增删改
2021-10-19 20:32:07 1.01MB Delphi
Universal Data Access Components History unidac@devart.com 7.4.12 21-Jan-19 Bug with using the datetime literals in SQL statements in TVirtualQuery is fixed Bug with AV failure in the Refresh method in RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo on Linux is fixed Oracle data provider Bug with authentication of old users in Oracle 12c is fixed Bug with the DML arrays that contain the TIMESTAMP values is fixed Bug with describe of SYNONYM for stored procedures in the Direct mode is fixed Bug with fetch data when the FieldsAsString option is set to True in the Direct mode is fixed Bug with open REFCURSOR is fixed SQLServer data provider Bug with the "Cannot modify a read-only dataset" error in Android is fixed MySQL data provider Bug with setting the data type of the parameter to BOOLEAN for all TINYINT system data types in the functions is fixed PostgreSQL data provider Bug with reading and writing of the floating point values is fixed InterBase data provider Bug with using the AsBytes property is fixed Bug with the AV failure when using the BLOB data type in Lazarus is fixed SQLite data provider Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.26.0 DBF data provider Bug with wrong selection of deleted records is fixed Bug with storing numeric values is fixed Bug with using the CTOD, DTOC, DTOS, TTOC, TTOD and EMPTY functions in index expressions is fixed Bug with using a field named RECNO in the index expressions is fixed MongoDB data provider Bug with reading string values in the BSON format is fixed NexusDB data provider Bug with missing files for NexusDB for RAD Studio Rio (10.3) is fixed ODBC data provider The UnknownAsSring specific option is added
2021-10-18 22:37:03 18.55MB Devart UniDAC
我在Delphi11上安装通过。包含macos,android,x64,linux。exe安装,非源码 下面是几张安装截图 https://ibb.co/dGDYcK7 https://ibb.co/bQ82cKC https://ibb.co/09jwqGk https://ibb.co/zNqQWdN
2021-10-18 17:06:53 114.99MB UniDAC RADStudio11 Alexandria Delphi11
unidac 7_3_10 std D10.2 Tokyo,exe 標準安装版 修正一堆Bug
2021-10-17 15:37:04 28.19MB unidac
UniDAC 9.0.1 for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria 没有源码,官方编译版本,没有mac和ios
2021-10-15 11:05:12 64.17MB UniDAC9.0.1 RADStudio11