全志平台R11 SDK用户手册,全志R11_Tina_SDK_User_Manual_V1.0,全志R11 Tina linux 用户手册,介绍如何在Tina SDK 的平台上开发应用SDK 的使用 Tins SDK 的编译、打包、内置命令请参考文档《SDK_Quick_start_Guide》 3. 创建和移植软件包 3.1. 概述 在 Tina Linux SDK 中一个软件包目录下通常包含如下两个目录和一个文件: package///MAKEfile package///patches/ [可选] package///files/ [可选] 其中: patches 保存补丁文件,在编译前会自动给源码打上所有补丁 files 保存软件包的源码,在编译时会对应源码覆盖源码中的源文件 Makefile 编译规则文件,例见 3.6.2 节 Makefile 的编写语言作为基础知识,在此不做介绍。
2021-04-01 16:27:31 470KB 全志R11
TINA 9.0使用教程COPYRIGHTS C Copyright 1990-2010 Design Soft, Inc. All rights reserved All programs recorded on the original release CD of TINA and the accompanying documentation are copyrighted. TINA is provided under a license Agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with its terms and conditions LIMITED LIABILITY TINA, together with all accompanying materials, is provided on an “asis” basis, without warranty of any kind DesignSoft, Inc, its distributors, and dealers make no warranty, either expressed, implied, or statutory, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose In no event will Design Soft Inc, its distributor or dealer be liable to anyone for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages or losses arising from the purchase of tina or from use or inability to use tina TRADEMARKS IBM PC/AT, PS/2 are registered trademarks of international Business machines corporation Windows, Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/ XP/Vista/Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation PSpice is a registered trademark of Micro im Corporation Corel Draw is a registered trademark of corelinc TINA is a registered trademark of Design Soft, Inc English version TABLE OF CONTENTS 1。| NTRODUCTION 1.1 What is tiNa and tiNa Design Suite?.....9 1.2 Available Program Versions .15 1.3 Optional supplementary hardware 16 1.3.1 TINALab lI High Speed Multifunction pc instrument 1.4 LoqiXplorer 18 2. NEW FEATURES IN TINA 19 2.1 List of new features in tina v9 19 2.1 List of new features in tina v8 21 2.2 List of new features in tina 7.0 22 3. INSTALLATION AND START-UP 25 3.1 Installation Procedure 25 3.1.1 Minimum hardware and software requirements 25 TINA Quick Start Contents 3.1.2 Installation from CD-ROM 26 3.1.3 Following the Installation steps 3.1.4 Welcome and software license Agreement… 27 3.1.5 Entering User Information 28 3.1.6 Networking Options 28 S
2021-03-09 10:04:23 25.29MB TINA 9.0 使用教程
Tina Pro v10.0中文版是由designsoft推出的一款实用EDA电路仿真软件,主要用于进行电路直流分析、瞬态分析、分级分析、电路设计、测试与测量等,为EDA仿真提供了新的参考方案。 本版是Tina Pro 9的升级版本,带来了全新的功能和优化的工作流程,同时还更新了用户的操作界面。拥有放置总线、分级设计、网络分析等功能,且内置了丰富的元件模型供用户选择。 本版附有详细的安装教程和操作指南。
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Tina TI官方仿真软件 安装包 win10*64亲测可用 无需官网下载
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TINA 视频教程.有图
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使用TI公司的FilterPro+Tina软件 仿真模拟带通滤波器 中心频率2.5Mhz 已经设计好PCB板子 为了积分共享 参数已经优化 放大倍数可以补偿带通滤波器衰减的赋值 板子作者已经正常使用
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TINA是TI和DESIGNSOFT共同开发的EDA软件, 是一个性能强大的模拟电路和开关电源电路仿真工具。本文包括中文入门指南和使用详解,共计63页。
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