Elementary Number Theory and its Applications - Rosen - 1984
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Stability Theory of Switched Dynamical Systems
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LINEAR SYSTEM THEORY AND DESIGN, Third Edition, Chi-Tsong Chen 线性系统理论第三版,Chi-Tsong Chen著
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Python星 这是python中的简单实现 文献资料 astar模块定义了AStar类,该类必须继承并完成以下几种方法的实现: 邻居 @ abstractmethod def neighbors ( self , node ) 对于给定的节点,返回(或产生)其邻居列表。 此方法必须在子类中实现 这是一种为了向算法提供图形描述以供计算时使用的方法 此方法必须在子类中实现。 之间的距离 @ abstractmethod def distance_between ( self , n1 , n2 ) 给出两个相邻节点n1和n2之间的实际距离/成本(即n2属于n1邻居的列表)。 保证n2属于通过调用近邻(n1)返回的列表。 此方法必须在子类中实现。 heuristic_cost_estimate @ abstractmethod def heuristic_cost_estimat
2023-02-24 16:40:32 25.02MB the theory o 进化策略
天线理论分析与设计,英文版,第3版,作者Constantine A. Balanis,有目录。天线理论权威经典。适合无线通信、天线设计、底层开发人员参考。
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出版社:Springer 作者:Raymond W. Yeung 书名:Information Theory and Network Coding
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Basic Theory of Direct Torque Control DTC 电动机直接转矩控制基本原理
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algorithmic game theory,edited by Noam Nisan,Tim Roughgarden,EvaTardos,英文版
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The title reminds me of this historical oddity: In the distant past, Chinese scholars, some of them imaginary, traveled to the West (that is, India) in search of Urtcxt Buddhist scriptures. About fifteen centuries later, this process has come full circle, and Western scholars, some of them all too real, trawl to the East to discover and render into Western terms not so much the scriptures as the spirit and gestures of Eastern philosophy. This readable and accurate book, by a pioneering scholar of Buddhism, is a very creditable product of this movement. Even its tone of intellectual severity and moral earnestncssone is reminded at times more of Samuel Richardson than of Chuang Tsu--is entirely appropriate, for Zen Buddhism is the extreme puritanical branch of Eastern my
2023-02-06 20:58:09 4.49MB codes