Predict sales prices and practice feature engineering, RFs, and gradient boosting
2022-06-21 11:34:50 191KB 数据集
2022-06-18 21:39:44 365KB House Prices Kaggle
本书论述了GPU高级编程,涉及到以下多个方面的技术: 光照,图像空间处理,3D引擎设计,DirectX11高级计算等。 是游戏开发者的必备参考书。
2022-06-08 22:11:02 9.4MB GPU Advanced Programming
软件工程英文教学课件:Ch15 Review Techniques.ppt
2022-06-06 09:07:49 690KB 文档资料 软件工程
基于损坏的谷粒百分比的米级图像处理技术的探索 这项工作是COMP9517计算机视觉主题@UNSW 2020的一部分 我们执行了以下任务(有关详细信息,请参阅报告): 任务1: 实施Iso数据强度阈值处理以在给定的水稻图像(灰度图像)中分离背景和前景。图像具有双峰像素强度直方图。 任务2: 实现两遍连通分量标记算法,对每个图像中的米粒进行计数。 任务3: 从Task2中获得的连接的组件标签中,使用最小像素面积作为阈值来计算受损稻粒的百分比。 档案: Report.pdf:有关实施过程和意见的详细信息我的python实现 Input_image:测试图像-rice_img1.png,rice_img2.png,rice_img6.png,rice_img7.png 输出:所有输出均保存在此文件夹中
2022-06-03 11:45:07 3.42MB Python
热传递matlab代码流体流动和传热的数值技术和方法-MATLAB 该存储库包含用于流体流动和传热的数值方法和数值技术的MATLAB代码。
2022-05-24 10:23:24 11KB 系统开源
The Art of Hardware Architecture Design Methods and Techniques for Digital Circuits 讲了IC设计中的时钟、复位、异步时钟处理、时钟划分、低功耗、降低耦合等等 一共二百多页
2022-05-16 21:56:11 2.64MB IC Design Digital Circuit
Advanced Verification Techniques A SystemC Based Approach for Successful Tapeout.pdf很难找到的好电子书
2022-05-02 10:30:08 8.7MB Advanced Verification Techniques SystemC
The GPU Pro: Advanced Rendering Techniques book series covers ready-to-use ideas and procedures that can solve many of your daily graphics-programming challenges. The second book in the series wouldn't have been possible without the help of many people. First, I would like to thank the section editors for the fantastic job they did. The work of Wessam Bahnassi, Sebastien St Laurent, Carsten Dachsbacher, Christopher Oat, and Kristof Beets ensured that the quality of the series meets the expectations of our readers.
2022-04-21 10:39:38 25.99MB 游戏
The GPU Pro: Advanced Rendering Techniques book series covers ready-to-use ideas and procedures that can solve many of your daily graphics-programming challenges. The first book in the series wouldn’t have been possible without the help of many people. First of all I would like to thank the section editors for the fantastic job they did. The work of Wessam Bahnassi, Sebastien St. Laurent, Natalya Tatarchuk, Carsten Dachsbacher, Matthias Wloka, Christopher Oat, and Sam Martin ensures that the quality of the series stands up to the expectations of our readers. The great cover screenshots were taken from Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. I would like to thank Techland for allowing us to use those shots. You will also find a postmortem of this game in the book. The team at A K Peters made the whole project happen. I want to thank Alice and Klaus Peters, Charlotte Henderson, and the whole production team, who took the articles and made them into a book. Special thanks go out to our families and friends, who spent many evenings and weekends during the long book production cycle without us. I hope you have as much fun reading the book as we had creating it.
2022-04-21 09:48:30 30.21MB 游戏