unity官方教程 space shooter 资源, 开启unity,进行导入即可,包括音频, 预制,最终代码,模型,纹理 等资源
2021-05-24 16:57:11 305.91MB unity 资源 space shooter
AR Survival Shooter: AR FPS — Augmented Reality — AR Shooter – download Unity assetAR Survival Shooter is the first-person Shooter (FPS) in Augmented Reality: kill the zombies and save your life with full immersion in the game! All paid assets are included in Unity Package:— AR Camera GYRO (docs) to implement Augmented Reality for wide range of mobile devices. You can use any AR Engine (ARCore, ARKit, etc.) because there is no hard connection between Unity Project and AR Camera GYRO (docs). — Real-Time AR Shadows (docs). ☄️ FEATURESBring the enchanting Power of Augmented Reality into your amazing Game or App: — Feel the Effect of Presence with Same AR as in Pokemon GO game. — Kill 3 Types of Zombies in Real World: Bunnies, Bears & Elephants. — Defend “Iron Throne” from Enemy Damage. — Be Warned about Enemy Attacks through Red Fullscreen Flashes & Health Bar. — Mobile Optimizations: —— Object Pool with separate Enemy Manager for each Zombie prefab; —— TextMesh PRO for Texts to update them when it really needs. ☄️ FULLY COMMENTED CODEAll modules are designed independently to keep this asset extendable & easy to understand. ☄️ TESTED WITH MOBILE DEVICES— iOS on iPhone 6, 8, XS Max.— Android on Samsung Galaxy S10. ☄️ DOCS & SUPPORTFirst of all, read the docs.If it didn’t help, get the support.
2021-05-08 15:59:06 274B AR Shooter 射击 AugmentedReality
2021-04-07 15:08:42 606KB kodi 字幕 shooter
敌人射手 一个简单的练习对象池的游戏
2021-02-18 15:07:24 32KB C#
2020-01-03 11:32:48 73.36MB Unity3D Space shoote
一个完整的XNA 2.0空战源码及该项目的Tutorials教程,从国外网站找到的,英文版,相当不错的一个学习范例。
2020-01-03 11:22:35 1.29MB XNA Space Shooter Tutorials
unity官方资源案例survival shooter,只需要导入即可立即生效
2019-12-21 21:13:20 108.09MB survival shooter
包含Unity4.6.9的下载以及附带实例的素材包,Space Shooter的开发可参见本人博客。
2019-12-21 21:01:25 322B Unity Space Shooter
Unity3D休闲射击类游戏《Survival Shooter》完整源码 Unity官方团队打造的最强教学示例一个第三人称固定视角的3D射击游戏 目前已更新到完美支持5.3.4版本,更多5.X特效示例 运行环境:Unity5.3.1
2019-12-21 20:23:08 106.55MB Unity3D