2021-04-08 14:19:26 1.49MB 数据库 郝斌 Scott
sql常用的例表练习,在12c以后的库中没有这几个表 emp、dept、bonus、SALGRADE; 可以练习DML、DDL、DCL语句
2021-03-23 17:48:29 2KB sql_练习
2021-03-12 16:50:01 187KB oracle scott.sql
Oracle scott 用户下的4个表(emp bonus dept salgrade)的建表的SQL语句以及相关的测试数据,提供4个版本Access2007, Access2003, SQL Server2008,Oracle 另外还有一个Summit2是用在Oracle下的有关Sporting Goods business scenario的测试数据的SQL
2021-03-01 20:17:41 25KB Oracle 测试数据emp
此电子书为CCNA 200-301科目的命令手册,和相应的官方教材相配合可以帮助考生顺利完成CCNA考试。
2021-01-28 02:36:08 21.65MB CCNA200-301 CCNAR&S
当我看到《Effective STL》的时候,我的感触是相见恨晚,做C++开发要是不知道这些东西,显然不够格。其实每种技术都有他自己的特点,都有他自己的取舍,你如果想使用STL就要按照他的方式来玩,我们平时的主官感觉对STL来说并不一定都适用。什么时候用什么容器,什么时候用什么迭代器,什么时候用什么算法,什么时候不该用循环,这本书都做了解答,可以不夸张的说,这本书看过了才能说自己会用STL了。
2020-01-18 03:23:33 1.04MB C++;Scott Meyers
2019-12-21 20:49:26 3.06MB 有限元 springer Brenner.S Scott.L
本资源为 Scott Murray 的 Interactive Data Visualization for the Web 一书中的源代码示例,包含大量D3.js的代码,适合D3的学习者。
2019-12-21 20:13:20 6.46MB d3 代码示例 Scott Murray
Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with C++ by V. Scott Gordon, John L. Clevenger English | 2019 | ISBN: 1683922216 | 384 Pages | EPUB | 29 MB This book provides step-by-step instruction on modern 3D graphics shader programming in OpenGL with C++, along with its theoretical foundations. It is appropriate both for computer science graphics courses and for professionals interested in mastering 3D graphics skills. It has been designed in a 4-color, “teach-yourself” format with numerous examples and detailed explanations. Every shader stage is explored, starting with the basics of modeling, lighting, textures, etc., up through advanced techniques such as tessellation, soft shadows, and generating realistic materials and environments. The book includes companion files with all of the source code, models, textures, skyboxes and normal maps used in the book. Features: Covers modern OpenGL 4.0+ shader programming in C++, with instructions for both PC/Windows and Macintosh. Illustrates every technique with running code examples. Everything needed to install the libraries, and complete source code for each example is provided and fully explained. Includes step-by-step instruction for using each GLSL programmable pipeline stage (vertex, tessellation, geometry, and fragment). Explores practical examples for modeling, lighting and shadows (including soft shadows), terrain, and 3D materials such as wood and marble. Explains how to optimize code for performance, and use modern development tools such as the NVIDIA® Nsight™ debugger. Includes companion files with all of the code, object models, figures, textures, skyboxes and skydomes, height and normal maps used throughout the book.
2019-12-21 20:00:23 29.62MB 图形学 CG OpenGL ComputerGrap
约翰·斯科特(John Scott); 刘军译_社会网络分析法_重庆大学出版社_2007 PDF中文版