This book draws from three areas of computing: image processing, computer vision, and computer graphics. Image processing and computer vision in particular have long been separate fields with overlapping interests. This is partly a sociolog- ical phenomenon—image processing comes from electrical engineering, while computer vision comes from computer science. These two fields blend smoothly in digital camera design. The modern imaging chain starts at traditional filtering and ends with feature analysis. Parts of this book draw upon my research work with my students at Princeton and Georgia Tech. Cheng-Yao Chen, Santanu Dutta, Jason Fritts, Se Hun Kim, Changhong Lin, Chung-Ching Lin, Tiehan Lv, Jason Schlessman, Senem Velipasalar, Jiang Xu, Heather Yu, and Shengqi Yang have all worked on aspects of multimedia computing and embedded computer vision. I am grateful to them for the opportunity to work with them and learn from them. Burak Ozer was not my official student, but he has been my friend and collaborator on smart cameras for the past 15 years.
2021-12-12 12:32:58 7.6MB Smart Camera
CV手册,称为CV的圣经:Computer Vision a reference guide。这本书涵盖了CV领域240+研究topic, 每个topic都有一直到2013年的代表性参考文献,240+个topic的reference加起来超过3700个,所以当你刚进入一个新的topic研究,而不知从哪些文献入手时,去查阅这本bible吧
2021-12-05 17:34:25 36.94MB CV reference
2021-11-26 09:14:42 980KB 论文格式 Springer-LNCS
This book is a translation of the German book “Datendesign mit R” that was published 2014 by Open Source Press. Due to the encouraging strong interest in the German edition Springer Verlag offered to publish an English translation. First of all I would like to thank Ralf Gerstner from Springer for this and for his helpful suggestions for improvement, as well as Annika Brun for translating most of the text, Colin Marsh for copy editing, and Katja Diederichs for converting all scripts from German to English. Last year I benefited a lot from a communication with Antony Unwin. His book “Graphical Data Analysis with R” can be seen as complementary to my own: while this one focusses on presentation of graphics, you will benefit from his book if you are interested in exploring data graphically.
2021-11-07 10:42:11 99.38MB Data
2021-11-04 19:02:25 5.68MB 数学
2021-11-03 10:43:07 6.32MB Springer格式排版
splncs04nat:与natbib兼容的splncs04.bst(Springer LNCS)BibTeX样式文件是使用带有常规merlin.mbs主文件的docstrip构建的
2021-10-28 22:02:02 15KB tex latex bibtex bst
Springer - A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver 源代码
2021-10-28 20:11:48 74.67MB GPS 接收机 matlab Galileo
2021-10-23 08:39:39 3.73MB 三次样条
Graduate Texts of Mathematics (简称GTM)是Springer出版社出版的一套数学专业研究生教材,在国际上有很大影响,也是国内外多所著名大学的博士生中期考试(国外叫博士生资格考试)的指定参考书。
2021-10-18 09:41:04 3.65MB 实分析 泛函分析