Calculus 4th edition by Smith, Robert T, Minton, Rolan
2021-09-28 21:05:48 41.82MB Calculus
压缩成两部分,这是第一部分,请下载全。 鲍利斯塔所著的《电路分析导论》是电路分析的入门教材,主要内容包括:电压与电流、电阻、电容、电感、磁路、变压器、串并联交直流电路的等效化简、复杂交直流电路方程的列写、交直流电路中的网络定理、交直流电路的功率、谐振电路、滤波器与伯德图、RC及RL电路对直源电源的响应、RC电路对周期脉冲电源的响应、多相电路、非正弦周期电流电路,以及系统的端口分析等。本教材具有理论分析与工程应用相结合的特点,包含众多的工程案例、严格运用计量单位、经常使用元件参数标称值等,处处体现了教材面向工程教育的特色。由浅入深的引导式叙述、活泼亲和的教材语言、精美形象的插图,会让自学者倍感愉悦。   本书可作为高等院校电气类、电子信息类、自动化类专业本科生“电路理论”、“电路分析”课程教材或教学参考书,也可供工程技术人员和电路爱好者参考。
2021-09-26 20:59:06 65.02MB 电路 鲍利斯塔
信息论与编码理论(第二版,Robert J. McEliece 著) 这本专著系统全面的介绍了通信领域的两个方面:编码与传输
2021-09-22 12:18:53 6.97MB 信息 编码 通信 信源
那些有志于理解Linux内核的软件开发者,可提供足够多的关于Lunux内核设计和实现的信息,使其能够拥有较完备的知识 真正开始开发内核代码。
2021-09-21 02:49:51 14.92MB r语言
This book introduces one of the most powerful tools of modern economics to a wide audience: those who will later construct or consume game-theoretic models. Robert Gibbons addresses scholars in applied fields within economics who want a serious and thorough discussion of game theory but who may have found other works overly abstract. Gibbons emphasizes the economic applications of the theory at least as much as the pure theory itself; formal arguments about abstract games play a minor role. The applications illustrate the process of model building--of translating an informal description of a multi-person decision situation into a formal game-theoretic problem to be analyzed. Also, the variety of applications shows that similar issues arise in different areas of economics, and that the same game-theoretic tools can be applied in each setting. In order to emphasize the broad potential scope of the theory, conventional applications from industrial organization have been largely replaced by applications from labor, macro, and other applied fields in economics. The book covers four classes of games, and four corresponding notions of equilibrium: static games of complete information and Nash equilibrium, dynamic games of complete information and subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium, static games of incomplete information and Bayesian Nash equilibrium, and dynamic games of incomplete information and perfect Bayesian equilibrium.
2021-09-20 15:08:19 3.65MB 吉本斯
2021-09-17 15:26:18 4.55MB 光学 非线性光学
Linux内核设计与实现-第三版 Table of Contents 1 Introduction to the Linux Kernel 1 History of Unix 1 Along Came Linus: Introduction to Linux 3 Overview of Operating Systems and Kernels 4 Linux Versus Classic Unix Kernels 6 Linux Kernel Versions 8 The Linux Kernel Development Community 10 Before We Begin 10 2 Getting Started with the Kernel 11 Obtaining the Kernel Source 11 Using Git 11 Installing the Kernel Source 12 Using Patches 12 The Kernel Source Tree 12 Building the Kernel 13 Configuring the Kernel 14 Minimizing Build Noise 15 Spawning Multiple Build Jobs 16 Installing the New Kernel 16 A Beast of a Different Nature 16 No libc or Standard Headers 17 GNU C 18 Inline Functions 18 Inline Assembly 19 Branch Annotation 19 No Memory Protection 20 No (Easy) Use of Floating Point 20 Small, Fixed-Size Stack 20
2021-09-10 16:06:17 4.78MB Linux内核设计与实现-第三版
Robert Love的Linux Kernel Development第三版,2010年6月出版。pdf格式。
2021-09-09 13:36:41 2.41MB Robert LKD Linux Kernel
算法 中文版Algorithms 英文版 第5版Robert Sedgewick .pdf
2021-09-07 09:10:41 11.7MB Robert  Sedgewick Algorithms