Zynq-7000 SoC Technical Reference Manual,数据手册
2023-04-04 11:05:56 18.79MB 手册
PostScript language reference (third edition) 从Adobe网站下载, 内有ps语言的详细说明.
ug1037-vivado-axi-reference-guide Xilinx adopted the Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) protocol for Intellectual Property (IP) cores beginning with the Xilinx® Spartan®-6 and Virtex®-6 devices. Xilinx continues the use of the AXI protocol for IP targeting the UltraScale™ architecture, 7 series, and Zynq®-7000 All Programmable (AP) SoC devices. This document is intended to: Introduce key concepts of the AXI protocol. • Give an overview of what Xilinx tools you can use to create AXI-based IP. • Explain what features of AXI that have been adopted by Xilinx. • Provide guidance on how to migrate your existing design to AXI
2023-03-31 14:52:15 3.76MB vivado
云安全专家认证 CCSP CBK Reference 第4版 英文原版
2023-03-25 11:32:37 7.55MB CCSP 云安全
Tessent Shell Reference Manual
2023-03-23 22:39:41 29.66MB DFT
IBM PC-XT Technical Reference Manual - BIOS Source, Schematics IBM PC-XT技术参考手册(英文版)
2023-03-21 16:05:37 7.97MB pc
AWS MQTT演示 该演示应用程序通过MQTT连接到AWS IoT ,订阅主题并发布消息。 它需要一个活动且。 您可以在AWS IoT控制台中使用MQTT客户端来观看MQTT消息交换。 下面介绍各种组件和配置设置。 配置应用程序后,您可以: 生成应用程序。 连接调试器。 运行该应用程序并在调试printf或终端窗口中查看消息。 AWS IoT客户端 文件iot_config.h使用以下设置来配置与AWS IoT的连接: IOT_DEMO_SERVER :远程主机 IOT_DEMO_ROOT_CA :受信任的服务器根证书 IOT_DEMO_CLIENT_CERT :客户端证书 IOT_DEMO_PRIVATE_KEY :客户端私钥 IOT_DEMO_IDENTIFIER :事物标识符 注意:这些设置需要用户配置! RTOS:FreeRTOS实时操作系统 实时操作系统实施资源
2023-03-20 16:55:08 72KB arm-cmsis-reference-design C
2023-03-20 14:48:08 37.18MB zotero; reference;
Microsoft Win32 Programmer_s Reference
2023-03-12 21:45:25 4.42MB Win32
Section 1. Motivation and Background of PCI Express Section 2. Governing Specifications for the Reference Clock Section 3. History and Objectives of the PCIe Jitter Analysis Methodology Section 4. Overview of PCI Express Jitter Compliance Verification. Section 5. Clock Architectures and Transfer Functions Section 6. Processing Period Data from a Real Time Oscilloscope Section 7. Reference Clock Jitter Specification Limits Section 8. Spread Spectrum Clocking Section 9. HCSL Electrical Specifications Section 10. Interfacing Among Various I/O Standards Section 11. Measurement Tips Section 12. Conclusion Revision History
2023-03-07 19:30:23 1.96MB PCIe