从Perl 5开始,学习Perl编程的重要核心概念,如变量、流控制、表达式和I/O。此外,这本书还介绍了模式匹配,并展示了Perl非常灵活和强大,而且它不害怕云。在阅读和使用这本书之后,您将能够开始编写自己的强大脚本来解决许多Web和编程问题。这是一本我们中的一些人的书,他们相信我们不需要学习Perl,现在我们知道它比以往任何时候都更普遍。您将看到Perl已经发展成为一种无处不在的多用途、多平台语言:繁重的web应用程序、云、系统管理、自然语言处理和金融工程。这本书提供了有关所有这些任务的Perl角色的有价值的洞察力,并为您的Perl编程冒险提供了一个很好的开端。
2021-01-28 02:23:36 3.07MB Perl Apress
PRO OGRE 3D PROGRAMMING.pdf ,另一部ogre红宝书
2020-01-23 03:00:56 2.84MB OGRE
The.Art.of.UNIX.programming 这本书的另一个特色是它的百科全书般的博大与庞杂,Raymond凭借他对Unix系统的无比熟悉,如同一位资深导游一般,游刃有余地带着一干读者在Unix系统地大观园里纵横捭阖、几出几进,时而历数各种开发工具,时而盘点众多文档格式,如数家珍般介绍着关于Unix系统的零零种种。如果没有一段时间的Unix经验的读者,恐怕真是要像刘姥姥一般感到晕头转向了;而如果你像我一样经常生活在Unix下,依然能够发现自己其实一直“视若无睹”地忽略了不少大观园里的景致。而当Raymond 为你点开这些迷雾的时候,读者不禁要如梦初醒般大呼痛快了
As the computer industry changes from single-processor to multiprocessor architectures, this revolution requires a fundamental change in how programs are written. To leverage the performance and power of multiprocessor programming, also known as multicore programming, you need to learn the new principles, algorithms, and tools presented in this book. It includes fully-developed Java examples detailing data structures, synchronization techniques, transactional memory, and more. Prof. Maurice Herlihy, who coined the phrase "transactional memory," is on the faculty of Brown University. He is the recipient of the 2003 Dijkstra Prize in distributed computing. Prof. Nir Shavit is on the faculty of Tel-Aviv University and a member of the technical staff at Sun Microsystems Laboratories. In 2004 they shared the Gödel Prize, the highest award in theoretical computer science. * THE book on multicore programming, the new paradigm of computer science * Written by the world's most revered experts in multiprocessor programming and performance * Includes examples, models, exercises, PowerPoint slides, and sample Java programs
2019-12-21 21:31:28 5.35MB 并发 multi 多处理器编程
Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming.pdf Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming.pdf Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming.pdf
2019-12-21 21:07:32 11.37MB ROS
英文版本,前台 与 服务器之间通讯技术
2019-12-21 20:43:19 11.37MB WebSocket
Elements of Programming provides a different understanding of programming than is presented elsewhere. Its major premise is that practical programming, like other areas of science and engineering,must be based on a solid mathematical foundation. The book shows that algorithms implemented in a real programming language, such as C++, can operate in the most general mathematical setting. For example, the fast exponentiation algorithm is defined to work with any associative operation. Using abstract algorithms leads to efficient, reliable, secure, and economical software. This is not an easy book. Nor is it a compilation of tips and tricks for incremental improvements in your programming skills. The book’s value is more fundamental and, ultimately, more critical for insight into programming. To benefit fully, you will need to work through it from beginning to end, reading the code, proving the lemmas, and doing the exercises. When finished, you will see how the application of the deductive method to your programs assures that your system’s software components will work together and behave as they must. The book presents a number of algorithms and requirements for types on which they are defined. The code for these descriptions—also available on the Web—is written in a small subset of C++ meant to be accessible to any experienced programmer. This subset is defined in a special language appendix coauthored by Sean Parent and Bjarne Stroustrup. Whether you are a software developer, or any other professional for whom programming is an important activity, or a committed student, you will come to understand what the book’s experienced authors have been teaching and demonstrating for years—that mathematics is good for programming, and that theory is good for practice.
2019-12-21 20:15:33 3.21MB Alexander Stepanov 算法 C++
算法详解 第三部分 贪心算法和动态规划,对于学习算法的同学很有帮助
2019-12-21 20:06:28 10.22MB 算法 贪心算法 动态规划